The Doctors' Dilemma

Canada’s National Post on Tuesday published the results of a poll that show nearly a third of Canadians believe assisted suicide should be offered to homeless people who are weary of their lives.
A fifth of the respondents said Medical Assistance in Dying (MAID) should be offered as an option to anyone, regardless of medical or psychological condition.
The poll, conducted by a public opinion firm called Research Co. founded by noted Canadian pollster Mario Canseco, looks like the rapidly approaching bottom of a slippery slope that began when Canada became one of the few countries to legalize assisted suicide for non-medical reasons in 2021.
A larger number of countries have legalized euthanasia and assisted suicide for people suffering from severe chronic pain or terminal illnesses. There is constant pressure to “liberalize” the procedure further with arguments that adults of sound mind should be able to request humane medically assisted death for any reason.
In some countries, the requirements for “sound mind” and even “adult” have been challenged. Belgium, for example, allows children of any age to request euthanasia if they have a terminal illness. In February, a Canadian parliamentary committee recommended expanding MAID to allow “mature minors” to request the procedure.

“Mature minors”? - that’s a true oxymoron. But should doctor-assisted suicide ever be legally permitted?
There are uncountable ways for people to end their own lives. Why involve the medical profession? Why turn doctors into killers? Killing is the opposite of their professional purpose - to save lives.
Okay, it is also to relieve suffering. So if the only relief from someone’s suffering is death … ?
A poll of doctors’ opinion would be interesting.

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I’ve already read of cases where they’re offering it as the only option for people who have an illness for which the treatment would be more expensive than the assisted suicide.
So the free health care that’s supposed to be everyones “right” doesn’t really pan out that way when they can kill you off more cheaply!

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I reckon it will be the same here soon more than likely.

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I seem to recall Sarah Palin predicting “death panels” in the debate over Obamacare, for which she was excoriated. Of course, she was right!

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