Inflation is what happens when too much money chases too few goods.
When the government prints lots of money, prices must go up.
Inflation is what happens when too much money chases too few goods.
When the government prints lots of money, prices must go up.
We partly have Larry Fink and his Going Direct plan to thank for this as I mentioned before.
PS. By the way, Fink is a “Democrat” (who says democracies are messy).
BlackRock is also heavily invested in China, even George Soros is critical (although I’d have to doubt his motives):
There must be some rivalry going on between Soros and China, moneywise, or I can’t imagine why else Soros would bother to criticize them.
Bank of England:
“Life won’t get easier until 2023, warns Bank boss”
Great to be royally screwed over by these scumbags and then told, “were soooo sorry, but it’s going to get worse, just letting you know…”
And Soros, who has singlehandedly destroyed just about everything in our country, including our national security, warning us that dealing with China is a threat to our national security???
Good grief.