The Virginia Democratic Party is instructing activists to include deceased citizens and “bad” addresses when generating voter contact lists. Activists can generate an expanded outreach list by adding those who have died to the baseline list of active and inactive registered voters. Virginia’s voter rolls contain inaccurate data: a spring mailer sent out by Fairfax County had over 72,000 undeliverables return — nearly 10 percent of their registered voter list.
State parties across the nation use the [same] software, all thanks to the Democratic National Committee.
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Yes, the “dead” have been voting for years!
Everyone’s known it for so long, it’s become a joke.
And as we’re now learning, thats just the tip of the iceberg - a giant iceberg of Democrat fraud.
But will anything be done about it?
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It’s the one thing that makes me afraid of dying.
You mean you’re afraid that the enemy will keep your name on the roll when you are dead and cast a vote for themselves in your name?
That really is a maddening thought!
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