The danger of putting masks on children

A group of parents sent 6 masks to a lab, requesting an analysis. The resulting report found that 5 were contaminated with bacteria, parasites, and fungi, including 3 with dangerous pathogenic and pneumonia-causing bacteria.


Well, of course they’re going to ignore these facts, and censor them as “misinformation”, since they don’t conform to their agenda. They obviously don’t care about children’s (or anyone elses) health.
Even when they contradict themselves, as they so often have, we’re supposed to just sit down and shut up. They’re a pathetic joke.


The much greater risk is from the vaccinations though, and the push is now on in the UK to vaccinate children. Just a quick post today to react to a series of appalling articles at the BBC website on the subject of vaccinating 16-17 year olds.

“Don’t Jab The Children”


Great points in your article, and good question, “why on earth…?”
Why not treat this virus like all other viruses, isolating the old and weak, and leaving everyone else the hell alone? Why violate our rights?
Of course we all know why - no self-respecting Leftist will ever “let a crisis go to waste.” Especially not when they created it themselves to begin with!


Thanks Liz. I think at least part of the answer is quite simple in fact, the pharmaceutical companies are making huge profits from the vaccines. There are some other theories going around, but without question it’s a fraud and we really have to wonder how many people in positions of authority and in the media are somehow getting paid off for the scam (actually there is some evidence about this I’m gathering all the info. I can find on it).


There is no good reason to vaccinate children or young healthy people. There is no data to support that the Delta variant is any more dangerous to this group than the other variants. Masks keep in the CO2 that should be dispersed into the air, which means that children (and others) are breathing in too much CO2.

I am posting the blog site of Robert Malone, the inventor of mRNA and an outspoken critic of how everything is being handled. I have not read much of is, but I heard him speak with Glenn Beck a while back.


This is anecdotal evidence, but there really is little else that we have on this new-to-humans mRNA vaccine. I wrote this in an email to Jillian and am just going to copy it here.

“She (our daughter) was told of a good friend’s report of her two friends (40 years of age) that went into early menopause after their two shots. And one of her friends, who had her ovaries removed several years ago had vaginal bleeding after completing her shots. This good friend and one other friend of hers had, for two consecutive months, flooding and painful periods after being fully vaccinated. This gives a mother pause when she is considering whether or not to get her daughter vaccinated.”

All women are between the ages of 40 and 28.

Dr. Robert Malone said in the interview (and Brenna read another article online) that discussed how the mRNA vaccine does show up in the initial layer of the nucleus, but not subsequent layers. Dr. Malone does not think there will be any actual genetic alterations, but he and nobody else really know. The bottom line is to err on the side of safety and not vaccinate anyone of child bearing age that is healthy and does not have a condition that would make them at risk.

Brenna is at risk and is currently taking immune suppressants, but she has been taking Plaquenil (hydroxychloroquine) for Sjogrens for a year. She is worried about the Delta variant and so we will do what will make her feel more easy; we will start wearing masks when out and about. And, we will get a booster, as will she, when they approve it. As will my brother, who is a heart transplant recipient.


We look forward to seeing it, Chauncey. We believe it exists.


There is a new category, HEALTH, for discussion of the virus and restrictions imposed because of it.


Yes, exactly, there is also the huge profit angle, and among those profiting hugely are Fauci and Gates, who “follow the science”, and only want what’s best for us, of course!
Interesting how the “science is settled” on man-made climate change, but changes all the time on masks and vaccines.


Dr Malone is being discredited in the propaganda war. I listened to a long discussion with Bret Weinstein, Dr Malone and Steve Kirsch about dangers from the vaccine, the full video of this discussion has been censored by Youtube and Facebook as misinformation. Politifact did a “fact-check” on the discussion which rated their claim as false:

The COVID-19 vaccines’ “spike protein is very dangerous, it’s cytotoxic.”

Obviously this is all way over my head, I have no medical knowledge and so I don’t know who’s right, but what I think ought to make people suspicious is the way that attempts are made to discredit Dr Malone personally, his claims to have been a key person in the development of the mRNA technology are dismissed. Dr Malone was involved at the beginning in the development of mRNA technology though, that much seems beyond doubt, so I’m suspicious about the eagerness to dismiss his opinions on the subject of the toxicity.


Yes, anything that contradicts their propaganda narrative is labeled “misinformation”. I don’t know all the scientific aspects of it, either, but if you know the ideology of the source, you can make a pretty reliable judgement whether it’s true or false based on that. Leftists always lie!