We should remind ourselves, from time to time, how rare is the species Atheist Conservative. Most conservatives are Judeo-Christian. Most atheists (such as Dawkins) are neo-Marxists dolts. Is there any hope that this disturbing state of affairs will change?
I sympathize with your exasperation, Cogito, but …
My guess is that most Europe-born/descended Europeans are atheists. Gods do not survive long. Even the ancient Jewish God is believed in now by only a small minority. Most Western educated Jews are atheists, even if they still choose to observe the rites. Marxism too is dying.
Trump, though he pays respect to some Christian-flavored religious belief (especially since his “miraculous” dodging of that bullet) is a political genius. The world is changing rapidly, and with him at the helm the close future looks as bright as we can reasonably expect.
Nussbaum is right that most scientific geniuses are politically naive, like Einstein and Dawkins.
Brilliant and stupid at the same time, as you point out. “Idiot savants”, almost.
Ironically, in his defense of Dawkins’ stand against wokism, he refers to “the scientific method”, and “evolutionary history” as (correct!) justifications, even though both of these refute religious belief in the supernatural as well…
He’s right to identify Marxism as a secular “religion”, but of course exempts actual religion from the same criticism!
But his argument still holds water, because Marxism seeks to destroy civilization, while “Judeo-Christian” religion does uphold the moral principles and laws (based on reason, no matter what the religious think) that are the foundation of Western civilization.
And it doesn’t take a genius to see that.
So what is Dawkins - and so many other atheists - problem?
I agree with both of you.