It is fine for those elites to ignore the mass homelessness, shooting galleries, and crime victimizing everyone in the Tenderloin, but once theft expands to Louis Vuitton’s Union Square store, hits Nordstrom’s in Walnut Creek, and hits other high-end stores in the area, that is an outrage warranting police countermeasures. Yesterday, San Fran’s liberals condemned the police, but today they are screaming for police protection. What enormous, and shameless, hypocrisy!
No kidding, they are such a joke. They deserve to be completely looted and burned down.
They’re all for the “revolution” till it hits them, too.
That’s not supposed to happen! Only the “little people” they supposedly champion are the ones who should suffer, so they can blame ot on the “system” instead of their own purposeful destruction of law and order.