If the full story of the Bidens’ international influence-peddling scheme had been told before the election, polls indicate it may have affected the result. Almost 50 percent of Biden voters knew nothing about Hunter’s laptop scandal, according to polling conducted after the election by the Media Research Center, and almost 10 percent said they would not have voted for Biden had they known.
Corroborated from multiple angles, Hunter’s laptop tells an alarming story of the national interest sold out for personal gain at the highest level, in particular to Communist China, America’s greatest strategic foe.
The conclusion is inescapable: The president cannot extricate his family’s moneymaking schemes from America’s foreign policy imperatives.
It’s just mind boggling that people can be so oblivious to so much. 50% didn’t even know?
Why even vote if you are that uninformed about who you’re voting for?! Idiots!