Bribery, lies, the vicious persecution of President Trump …
It’s the story of the Biden family.
Bribery, lies, the vicious persecution of President Trump …
It’s the story of the Biden family.
Just incredibly amazing how the mainstream media is totally uninterested in talking about these facts!
They’re doing their best to cover them up.
Not only cover them up, but actually scrub them from the collective Memory. They are changing definitions daily, and removing things, and as we have already seen, al they do is wait a little while, and then call those who made copies of the proof ‘liars’ and claim they ‘faked’ that evidence, and people fall right for it. Exactly like in the books.
It’s just evil. 1984 on steroids.
Speaking of which, just last night I was reading an article against the mandates, and as usual,paid, I’m sure many of them, trolls swarmed all over the comments, and the consistent theme was “stop using the vaxx efficacy as a reason to be against them, they were NEVER supposed to keep you from getting Covid !” to which a bunch of NON Trolls responded calling that out as the lie that it is, giving clear evidence, but THAT is the tactic they are using, and I saw several comments from assumably ‘non’ trolls who were clearly confused at all that, since it’s been pushing three years now since that was in the news, and some were apparently genuinely confused, which, of course, is the comment trolls main job, to confuse and obfuscate the actual Truth. Which is WHY regular folks are leaving the MSM and MS Social sites in droves. They know something is bullshit, even if they aren’t sure what part actually is. But amazing in so short a time so many have already forgotten that the Vaxx WAS supposed to 'Stop Covid in it’s Tracks" which of course, MOST of us with legit training were skeptical about , but what got most of us on board, at least at first, were the claims of this mRNA tech, which they kept saying COULD stop a virus. So, I know for myself, I was like, okay, well, that will be a pretty cool thing, if it DOES, but I still want to see that actually happen, because trying to vaxx for viruses is always just a garden hose at a house fire, you can maybe save the SHED, but you know you aren’t gonna save the House, lol… And THEN when they dropped down to Weeelll… It won’t really STOP Covid, but it WILL help the at risk folks, I was still okay with it, at that early point, but I was already getting very suspicious about the whole thing. And NOW, knowing all I know, it is blindingly clear this is all political, and was from the start. I don’t even think there IS an actual ‘Covid’ as described, I think it is just a weaponised SARS, and so do most other ‘Freedom’ type Practitioners. It is not new at all. And not even that modified.
Right. That’s why they called it a “vaccine” - it was supposed to give you immunity. Now it’s devolved into the reality that it not only doesn’t keep you from getting it, you’re actually more likely to get the latest variation if you ARE vaxxed. It’s ridiculous.
And, oh, by the way, you’re also likely to have all kinds of other problems if you’re vaxxed - no worries, just a slight, insignificant detail we failed to mention!!