The politicization that began in the DOJ in 2009 has now spread its venomous tentacles into all aspects of our government. Even the military, perhaps the most highly revered U.S. institution of all, has been infiltrated by leftists.
The result is that we are living in a country we barely recognize. In addition to the persecution of Trump, mainstream institutions, from media outlets to hospitals, want the public to believe that men can get pregnant and that children should be allowed to make life-altering decisions about their gender. These same institutions tell us that climate change and white supremacy are the deadliest threats we face. Our southern border sits wide open and our military struggles to meet basic recruitment quotas. Equity has replaced meritocracy. In everything from sports to children’s entertainment, wokeism has taken over.
The most frightening aspect of this transformation is the relative speed and ease with which it has occurred.
The "relative speed and ease with which this has occurred ". Yes, because communists have been infiltrating every aspect of our society, business and government for decades. Especially since Clinton welcomed the Chinese into trade, etc.
They laid the groundwork behind the scenes for all those years, and now they’re controlling the levers of power.
Hope is never a bad joke, Jillian, and I am sorry for anyone,who feels that way. Even if America falls, I will still maintain my hope in life, else I would become not myself. Hope instead of Faith.
But, maybe you just mean my hope in the idea of America. It will come around again, unless Sol dies out sooner than we think. Perhaps, humans will take it to the Stars. There’s hope for me to hold onto. Imagine what members of early Republics thought as they failed. I think they thought as I do; it will come around again and it will build on ours. There, too, is hope for me to hold onto.
Hundred years plus have anti-American been gnawing at America, following a list to what to destroy next.
Just remember, however, it is not all citizens, not all people. And…the cities will fall first, when the SHTF. Not all people will stay there, and where will they flee? You know where. They are fleeing now in droves.
Yes, it is nearly impossible to believe that the new mayor of Chicago was voted in, and that the Wisconsin SC is all Far Left. It is also impossible to accept that there was not a fraudulent election there, especially in Chicago.
Things are moving very, very fast…and we have two years more of it. I do not think it is survivable for the USA…and we are in for desperate times when our dollar collapses. And…that is moving quick, too. Who knows how much longer we will be able to connect with each other in a forum, such as this?
Obama has been keeping a fairly low profile during most of these developments. I find it a little odd his name hasn’t come up more often in discussing how we got to this point. He was, after all, president for eight long years before the Trump administration and the attendant militant resistance to it. I don’t think we’d be where we are today is he hadn’t already put many pieces in their place on the chessboard during his regime. To say he’s a shady character with a mysterious past goes about as deep into his reality as the footprints of a housefly on a steel girder. But the leftist media and political machine like it that way. His mentor was the communist Frank Marshall Davis, which should be enough to make people more curious.
Yes, he’s the Muslim Brotherhood backed, Iranian mullah backed, Communist Party backed Conductor of the Orchestra.
Maybe this is what happened: His hippie mother found herself pregnant by Frank M. Davis. He told her he wouldn’t marry her, wouldn’t acknowledge the child as his, and advised her to have an abortion. She wanted the child, so she grabbed the nearest available and reasonably plausible black man, spent a night in bed with him, and a little later informed him that she was pregnant with his child and he must marry her. Which he did, fearing he could lose his student’s visa if he didn’t and she made a fuss about it. She gave birth in Hawaii as the newspapers announced, and the Destroyer of the American Constitutional Republic was launched into history.
I’d think it a remarkable coincidence as well as a keen insight if you haven’t heard of the documentary DVD by Joel Gilbert, Dreams From My Real Father, which considers the likelihood that Frank is the communist bastard’s real father. So I take Gilbert’s and your hunch seriously. Comparing Barry’s type to his presumed father (Obama Sr.) the colors and complexion and features are all wrong. Frankly, Frank is the real sire. The type breeds true, biologically and ideologically, by both predisposition and training. His daddy would be proud.