That Super-Virtuous Super-Woke Super-Criminal

His remarkable and short-lived career is a case study in high ideals serving as cover for low motives.
Invariably the writer or interviewer talking with SBF would mention his parents, described always as “Stanford Law professors” as if this title granted them an exalted status, a grant of authority and immunity that encompassed their eccentric and exceedingly wealthy son. Less dwelt upon was the fact that one of the Stanford Law professors, Joseph Bankman, was also an FTX staffer embroiled in his son’s activities, while the other, Barbara Fried, was a well-known leftwing activist who cofounded a Democratic super PAC and counseled SBF on his political giving.
SBF’s privileged background and chic politics allowed the young trader to behave in haphazard and unprofessional ways until, finally, he ran out of other people’s money.
A penniless, imprisoned, and for the moment silent SBF leaves behind a trail of ruin. He is a reminder that sanctimony is a handy tool for scam artists, and that well-credentialed Americans have a bad habit of rewarding a person’s ability to speak with certitude and emphasis and presumed expertise—no matter how dull, unoriginal, obnoxious, insipid, or crooked that person happens to be.


“High ideals serving as a cover for low motives.”
That describes most of our politicians and all of our leftists, globalists, and ESG imposing corporations.
They should all be in prison along with him.


SBF apparently whined to someone that he simply couldn’t go to prison. The quote attributed to him was: “I am too Vegan for prison.”

My comment was unkind to Vegans. I am sure than many Vegans do not resemble SBF.

Don’t we have a smilie playing a tiny violin?


Ha! Yes, let’s get our tiny violins out! :violin:
I hope he enjoys his time in prison. He might learn some new aspects of polyamory!


Oh, is he polyamourous?

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Good grief! Surely not. An obviously straight guy, SBF, if ever there was one!

Conventional. A regular guy.

(Heavy sarcasm.)


So I’ve read - at least according to his girlfriend - the one who looks like she played the “caterpillar” in the grade school play!


I haven’t seen his girlfriend, yet. Think she still loves him since he tried to pin everything on her?

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I would expect her to be arrested and charged too.

Wasn’t she his partner in the hoax?


Okay…here is an update from the NY Post. Weird…just weird.

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Doesn’t tell us anything we need to know.


Sorry…the only other recent news was that she has not been charged with anything, as of yet.


I haven’t been keeping up with it, but from what I’ve read it was a giant money laundering scam from the beginning, and all being funneled to Democrats.
Also you can probably see the resemblance to a caterpillar there.


Did you watch the brief video? How did this happen? Are we all at the mercy of children, who have been educated in Information Technology and not much else?


Pretty much looks like that’s the case!