The documentary evidence speaks very loudly and very clearly: none of these people at the federal agencies were fooled by either the fake Steele Dossier or the fake Alfa-Bank documents.
Not one of them.
James Comey, Peter Strzok, and Andrew McCabe, to just name three of the top people involved, knew all along who these operatives approaching them with these fake hoaxes were really working for.
They had been alerted in July 2016 about what Clinton’s campaign was preparing to do. And then both Comey and Strzok were alerted again in September of 2016 when they received the investigative referral from the CIA.
Yet despite this, Comey and Strzok nevertheless went ahead and took the Steele Dossier from the Clinton campaign’s operatives and made use of it for a federal surveillance warrant.
The Mueller Report alone cost close on $32 million. For what? For a pretense of an investigation into an alleged “collusion” of President Trump with “the Russians” when everyone who was pretending to investigate - including the intelligence agencies’ chiefs and the DOJ executives - knew from the start that the allegation was a lie. Their own lie - concocted in collusion with some shady Russians!