Speech to Freedom Convoy-Last Living Premier Who Signed Canada’s Charter- Section 1 of Charter Being ‘Illegally’ Used by Governments

Well worth a Read, and He is absolutely Right- I truly never even thought of such a thing as Canada having an actual Civil War, but if Trudeau doesn’t back down,I could see it happening. I didn’t truly realize just HOW illegal what he is doing really was, until I read this- the Protestors are absolutely and LEGALLY in the Right, and anyone siding with the Canadian Govt on this issue, is dead wrong.


If one of the original signers of it is against Trudeau, it couldn’t be more clear that he’s on the wrong side of the laws he’s supposed to be upholding.


Yeah, and he is a very articulate fella, too. And obviously one of the nearly extinct “Public Servant” types, who seem to actually believe, and do their best by their actions, to ACTUALLY Serve the Best Interests of the Public they are elected to represent. Can’t say I’ve ever known but a handful in all my years, and it’s been quite some time since one has been sighted in the wild, lol, until now… :wink:


He makes this great observation: “we’re always only…a heartbeat away from tyranny…Democracy is one of the most fragile concepts in the world… it’s a tough, tough thing to sustain…”