Speaking of "Proportionate"

From PowerLine:


A small island of civilization in a sea of barbarism.
Although, of course (in a sane, civilized world) Israel has every right to exist, it exists as a lone outpost of sanity in a world of religiously induced insanity.
The Jews who moved to Israel after escaping the Holocaust jumped out of the frying pan into the fire.

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What exactly would the UN or EU a proportionate response to be to abduction, rape, torture, mutilation, and murder of civilians?


Their response? “More money for Hamas!”

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Of course. The bastards


A must-watch:

I applaud everything this just man says, disagreeing only that what Hamas is doing is “against Islamic law”.

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Yes, it’s definitely against humanitarian standards, but I don’t know that it contradicts Islamic law.
The guy interviewing him tries to accuse israel of doing the same thing. Good for him for refuting it!

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