Soon, "It will be cold."

Breitbart reports:
Climate scientist Dr. Willie Soon has urged his fellow academics to pay closer attention to the sun’s activity, which suggests several decades of global cooling rather than warming. "What we predict is that the next 20-30 years will be cold. It will be cold, so it will be a very interesting thing for the IPCC to confront.” The sun is in a weakened state and far less active than during the 1980s and 1990s, which should last until around 2050. Soon is a researcher at the Solar and Stellar Physics Division of the Harvard–Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics.
“The whole climate system is powered 99.1 percent by the sun’s energy,” he explains. “Global cooling is a far greater source of concern than global warming, and we will have a lot more problems when the planet cools rather than warms.” .
Humanity can solve overheating, but the problem of a “little ice age” like that of the 1700s, "is much harder to solve,” he says.

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Well, I will have to forget about planting my fig trees then. :cry:

I have been reading for a few years about the entering of the solar minimum, but a recent search (2 minutes ago) brought me to these two scientific blogs:

So…maybe I will plant those fig trees. Of course, I could just wait and see, because how can I believe what I read. NASA? I thought they were all about Islamic outreach.


Cooling much harder ro solve?
How about if we just stick with good old fossil fuels? If Texas hadn’t let “global warming” busybodies ruin their energy infrastructure, they would have made it through last winter in much better shape.
The ones with a “problem” will be the climate change scam artists and the “Progressives” trying to use that scam to destroy capitalism so they can rule over the ruins of civilization.
They’ll have to twist themselves into pretzels to cover their exposed asses. But, since they have no shame, I’m sure they’ll manage it somehow.


Interesting article! I don’t know if I believe anything NASA says about global warming, but if they’re right, then it looks like all our “greenhouse gasses” will turn out to be a good thing! Haha, “now we’re cooking with gas!”


I wish that we had started out calling it petroleum, instead of the misnomer, “fossil fuels.”