Biden spoke at the National and State Teacher of the Year Celebration and honored the award recipient, Oklahoma high school teacher Rebekah Peterson. During his praise for the teacher, he quoted Peterson and appeared to agree with her statement that “there is no such thing as someone else’s child.”
Again…the “It Takes A Village” mentality.
Here is a New Yorker Magazine article:
And quotes:
The idea that a child should replicate her parents does not belong only to conservative Christianity or to religion at all. A proverb is common wisdom, and lately this one is hard to escape. Authoritarianism is gospel to modern conservatives. Nowhere is that clearer than in their assaults on children.
Like any piece of property, a child has value to conservative activists. They are key to a future the conservative wants to win. Parental rights are merely one path to the total capture of state power and the imposition of an authoritarian hierarchy on us all. So it’s no surprise that children have long been a fixation to the right wing.
Children are not dogs to train but adults in formation. They will learn, someday soon, that the future belongs to them. What they do with that knowledge matters to everyone. Children aren’t private property, then, but a public responsibility. To expand our democratic project to children is to grant them the security the right seeks to deny them: education, health care, shelter, food. A better America begins with the child.
If you have the time, check out a few of the hundreds of comments, which are overwhelmingly disapproving of the author and article.
But, here it is…your child is NOT your child, you are not in charge of your child, the government should take responsibility because your child must be protected from you, the parents.
This is Marcuse in action. The child must be saved from the parents so that civilisation can be defeated. This from “Eros and Civilisation”:
“The replacement of the pleasure principle by the reality principle is the great traumatic event in the development of man –… Phylogenetically, it occurs first in the primal horde, when the primal father monopolizes power and pleasure and enforces renunciation on the part of the sons. Ontogenetically, it occurs during the period of early childhood, and submission to the reality principle is enforced by the parents and other educators. But, both on the generic and on the individual level, submission is continuously reproduced. The rule of the primal father is followed, after the first rebellion, by the rule of the sons, and the brother clan develops into institutionalized social and political domination. The reality principle materializes in a system of institutions. And the individual, growing up within such a system, learns the requirements of the reality principle as those of law and order, and transmits them to the next generation.”…
Thank you for that, westrop8. Marcuse consistently wrote such nonsense that it is one of the wonders of our time that anyone could ever take him seriously. But they do. He and Foucault rule Western academia.
So the New Yorker, always on the Left, has now become so woke that it needs to change its symbol of an elegantly dressed man inspecting the world through an eyeglass to an enormous transgendered “woman” in a bra and thong twerking on the hood of an EV.
Quote: Obviously, if there is no such thing as someone else’s child, there is no such thing as your child, either.
Everything the Left tries to do is destructive, but probably nothing is more so than this relentless effort to downgrade the family and replace it with the state and its minions.
The vast majority of commenters…so far about 350. I did not go through all, but a few pages of them were definitely against the article and the author’s opinions, which were offered as factual evidence that conservative parents are dangerous to their children.
“Parental rights are merely one path to the total capture of state power…”
This is the kind of poisonous BS that makes my blood boil. As if “parental rights” were some wierd crazy idea that us evil conservatives just concocted out of thin air to undermine society and achieve our “authoritarian” agenda!
The writer knows that is the exact inversion of the truth - there is nothing more well established in the history of civilization than the family, which includes parental rights.
THEY are the ones seeking to undermine the foundation of society by attacking the family, on their ACTUAL path to total capture of state power!
That these monsters feel free to print these lies in (formerly) respected publications shows how far they’ve already succeeded in capturing that power.
This was a peek into the mind of a Far-Left fanatic. They simply do not think as others do. Is it because they truly believe all the “information” they receive about conservatives? Or are they deliberately lying to the public?
I hold with the first; that they are true believers, and they believe we are monsters and evil and tyrants, who want to destroy Democracy and America.
We have had two different realities for a long time in America, and I guess we just didn’t fully realize it until recently. It is disturbing.