So Is Covid Vaccination Worse Than Useless?

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I know the flue’s around, their just conflating it with covid to pad the numbers on covid cases.
And nothing wrong with kids catching covid, recovering, and gaining immunity, just like with flu or other viruses. In fact I remember reading that all the quarantining of healthy people that we’ve done with the lockdowns is going to make things worse because all we accomplished with that was just fail to gain herd immunity.


Just had a horrible experience of being denied entry in to our Houston theater, called “The Alley”. We had purchased 2 season tickets and were looking forward to a live performance after 2 years.
One hour to drive and after parking fees approached the door. It seems without any warning we were to show our COVID vaccination tickets (I happen to have mine but partner did not) so we’re denied entry along with being expected to wear our masks for the entire performance.
I am so fed up with this nonsense ! They treated us like despicables trying to use the executive washroom without permission.
Again, no advance warning, just fascist demands!


It’s outrageous! It’s unbelievable that people go along with this stupidity, as I suppose they have with all the other outrages til now.


Thanks for telling us his, Mary. We understand your outrage.


Deleted Post. Sorry by the inconvenient.


The evidence is now coming in that is more in line with other highly vaccinated jurisdictions such as Israel,Iceland and Portugal.

Similar data in other highly vaccinated states - Maine, Massachusetts, and Connecticut.

I believe the state with the lowest vaccination rates - Iowa - has the lowest Covid death rate.​


Veeerrry interesting! Maybe that’s why Fauci is out there telling vaccinated people they must still wear masks indoors - desperately trying to stem the tide of this unmitigated disaster he’s caused.