Senator Rubio Squashes a Pro-Hamas Anti-Semitic Demon

Activist: Senator Rubio, will you call for a ceasefire in Gaza?
Rubio: No, I will not. On the contrary — are you filming it? I want you guys to get this. I want them to destroy every element of Hamas they can get their hands on. These people are vicious animals who did horrifying crimes, and I hope you guys post that.
Activist: And what about the civilians that are being killed every day?
Rubio: I blame Hamas. Hamas should stop hiding behind civilians, putting civilians in the way. Hamas knew that this [attack] was going to lead to this. So Hamas should stop building their military installations underneath hospitals, and underneath the —
Activist: So you don’t care that 15,000 [sic] have died?
Rubio: Absolutely I do.
Activist: You don’t care about the babies that are being killed every day?
Rubio: I care. I think it’s horrifying. I think it’s terrible, and I think Hamas is 100% to blame. That’s what I think. Make sure you post that, please.

The figure of 15,000 dead relies on Hamas sources and does not distinguish between combatants and non-combatants.

How the I-love-terrorists-especially-Hamas American antisemites dare to demand declarations of pity for the babies killed and injured in Gaza (killed and injured because Hamas use them as human shields) after what Hamas did and is doing to Israeli babies, takes a demonic talent for chutzpah.


Good for Rubio - he’s 100% right.
I notice these commie mouthpieces are never concerned about the Jewish babies murdered by their precious terrorists - they even go so far as to deny it even happened!
And since when are they concerned about babies - they probably all (after changing costumes) march in protests for abortion on demand!

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A man of principle