Rule of Outlaw

A Police Commissioner solemnly or facetiously named OUTLAW - she’s a black woman, of course - rewards rioters and makes policing impossible.

The city of Philadelphia has agreed to pay the staggering sum of $9.25 million to about 200 rioters because they were teargassed and struck with rubber bullets.
The rioting is entirely incidental to the fact that the people throwing rocks at police, breaking store windows, and assaulting innocent people were stung with rubber bullets and experienced tears from being gassed with an irritant.
That’s not all. The city is also ordered to pay $500,000 to a fund that will provide counseling to victims of police violence and offer community-led programming.
This huge settlement makes it clear that the people of Philadelphia will now have the First Amendment freedom to loot, commit arson, assault police officers, and make mayhem in the streets.
And if anyone tries to stop them using non-lethal means like tear gas or rubber bullets, the city will be forced to pay up.
Philadelphia has Police Commissioner Danielle Outlaw, who is far more concerned about “First Amendment Rights” than in protecting persons and property.
“Along with city, state, and community stakeholders, we will continue to work non-stop towards improving what we as police do to protect the first amendment rights of protesters, keep our communities and officers safe, and to ultimately prove that we are committed to a higher standard,” the commissioner said.

Read it all and try not to vomit or lose your mind.

So violent destructive rioting is now lawful. But Donald Trump’s paying a porn star not to claim she has had an affair with him (she didn’t have an affair with him, but she took the money and makes the claim anyway) is a federal crime according to Soros-lackey Alvin Bragg, DA of New York city.
The “Democrats” have turned the US into a banana republic!


Well, we should get this commissioner on the case of the Jan. 6 prisoners! Think she’ll reward them millions of dollars because they were teargassed and struck with rubber bullets? Rhetorical question.
One must, of course, be of the correct color and/or political persuasion to get that kind of treatment.