Report of Ukrainian Defeat in the Donbass

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Looks like its coming very close now to the final decision - Biden must either get serious about negotiating an end to hostilities, or send in our own troops, officially entering a war with Russia, which will most likely become World War 3.

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CIA involvement in a proxy-war - no surprise there…

“Arrogance combined with intellectual feebleness” - describes the mentality of our current leftist dictators to a tee.

I hope the CIA is doing everything it can to frustrate Russian aggression.

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No “new power bloc” is emerging to challenge US power. To assert that it is, is wishful thinking on the part of anti-West nutters.

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From what I’m hearing, for example from Frank Gaffney at “The Committee on the Present Danger”, China is very much a threat to us now.
They’ve been waging a covert war by way of infiltration, propaganda, stealing technology, manufacturing, etc, for decades, and now they have a stooge in the White House with Biden.
We may still be stronger than them, but with our current incompetent leadership, they might try something.


China, yes. Russia, yes. They are dangerous enemies. But they are very suspicious of each other and are not likely to act in alliance against America. Not now or soon, anyway.

No “bloc” of lesser powers is emerging to pose a serious challenge to US power - depleted as US military power may be under the “Biden” administration.

And the US is still the world’s only economic superpower, despite its enormous debt.

China is in economic difficulty:

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That Britain is training Ukrainians to fight the Russian invaders is GOOD news.

The British economy is not “collapsing”.

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Yes, borrowing money from China - a more dangerous enemy to the U.S. than Russia - to send to Ukraine, is stupid and insane.

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The Russian pounding of the Ukrainians in the Donbas region has been well publicized. Every sober war-assessment outlet that I have read gives the same picture. It is not good news - except to those who want a Putin victory. But the war of attrition continues, and will continue for as long as Putin and the leaders of Western governments can afford it politically. Putin, being politically unaccountable to an electorate can hold out longer. As winter approaches, just watch the UK (Boris is exiting No.10) and Germany scale down rhetorical and actual aid. If the war in Ukraine polls badly, watch Biden cool off on Ukraine before November. I expect a major push for a new Minsk agreement (which strategically favors Moscow). Governance of the “free world” is in the hands of oligarchs in alliance with autocrats. A victory for Putin will signal how far America has lost constitutional integrity and national power.



You are at it again. This is a discussion forum. No link “speaks for itself”. You need to justify your linking to an article by telling readers of this forum what the article is telling you. Do the articles tell you that Russia now owns the conquered Donbas territory? That would be wrong.

Yes, Russia has occupied Ukrainian territory since 2014. It is still Ukrainian territory under international law.

Every reader interested in following the war has access to sites which do military assessments on the basis of military intelligence from various sources. It isn’t hard to spot Baghdad Bobs when browsing the internet. Leave them where you find them. There is no reason to bring them here. And military assessments - whatever their accuracy - still have to be understood in geo-political context - which you seem unwilling to do.

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Again, the US is not a party in peace negotiations. So far, there is no sign that the US will even be a peace broker. I can see no sign of sending in US troops under the American flag. Some say that the Cold War - which has been renewed by Putin - was WW3. It is most unlikely that Putin will push the nuke button over Ukraine. He has already used the nuke threat card: putting his nuke forces on “alert” when Zelensky floated a Nato enforced no-fly zone. Ukrainian air defense has been (somewhat) reinforced by Nato member countries acting independently of Nato, without Putin’s “alert” being enhanced. There will be no warning, of course, should Putin decide to push the button.

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If the U.S. is sending 40 billion + to the Ukraine, we darn well should have a say in peace negotiations.
And we send it, supposedly, to defend “democracy” - but is Ukraine really a democracy?
For all practical purposes, it’s an oligarchy, in collusion with whom our own oligarchs have been profiting.

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