Question of the Age

Could the “Democrats” have found anyone worse than Kamala Harris to be their nominee for the presidency?

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First-rate satire:

Everything I know I get from reading the Washington Post and watching the CBS Evening News with whoever hosts that now, and I have to tell you — that Donald Trump fellow doesn’t deserve four more years after everything he’s done in office since 2020.

“Donald Trump fights for billionaires and large corporations,” Democrat presidential candidate Kamala Harris said during her acceptance speech last week. “I will fight to give money back to working and middle-class Americans.”

They need the help, too. As president in 2022, Trump signed a reconciliation budget bill that gave the IRS $80 billion to hire more agents to go after medium and small businesses and to establish a new service industry tip reporting program.

It’s so bad that the nice young lady who cuts my hair asked me a few months ago if I could tip in cash because the tax bite just isn’t affordable for a working gal. How could Trump do such a thing?

Then there’s inflation.

Earlier this month, Harris promised, “When I am elected president, I will make it a top priority to bring down costs and increase economic security for all Americans.” It’s gotten so bad under Trump that Harris needs to impose price controls on grocery stores and pony up $25,000 in tax dollars to finance first-time homebuyers.

But what else are you supposed to do after Trump caused all this inflation and high interest rates?
Don’t even get me started on jobs. Trump has been in office for four years, the pandemic has been over for almost all that time, and we still have fewer people working and fewer full-time jobs, and more people than ever relying on multiple part-time gigs just to make ends meet.

You should see what Trump has done to the border. It’s like it isn’t even there any longer, and some 320,000 foreign kids have been sex-trafficked right into our country. “I will bring back the border security bill that Donald Trump killed,” said Harris last week. I guess Trump just couldn’t be bothered to name a Border Czar to try and fix things.

“Trump won’t hold autocrats accountable — because he wants to be an autocrat,” Harris said last Thursday — and she’s right.

On Donald Trump’s watch, a huge land war started in Europe for the first time since 1945, and he’s done a half-assed job of providing weapons and ammo to the defenders — and he’s micromanaging what they’re allowed to do with what we have provided. A smaller war started on his watch in the Middle East, then it expanded to the Red Sea, and now it looks like Iran could get involved, too. Can you believe Trump has given Iran pallets of cash while telling Israel to take it easy on Hamas?

Talk about coddling dictators.

Did you know that our armed forces are stretched so thin that as of right now, we don’t have a single carrier operating in the Pacific Ocean while China is getting increasingly aggressive with Japan, Taiwan, and the Philippines? Even during the darkest days of World War II, we never had less than one carrier in the Pacific.

What’s that? You say Donald Trump hasn’t been president since Jan. 20, 2021? Well then, whoever is in charge of this mess and whoever they appointed, selected, or hired — all of them have got to go.

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Yes, Harris talks like Trump’s still the President and all this mess is his doing! She and Joe have just been innocent bystanders, helplessly wringing their hands while he destroyed the country.
Oh, and if he gets back in office he’ll be a total authoritarian and weaponize the DOJ against them!
As always, everything they say is pure projection.

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Politico reports the internal discussions within the Harris campaign of trying to find someone the vice president can talk to make things more comical. They’ve been asking around, seeking counsel regarding who wouldn’t bring up matters like why she’s done a 180-degree turn on everything that was once on her YouGov page. The publication added that they’re keeping Tim Walz in his stable because the campaign essentially doesn’t know what their agenda is or what their policies are.

Of course they don’t. The Demonic Party does not have any policies. Its candidate for the presidency, Vice-President Kamala Harris, doesn’t know what the word “policy” means, or how to look it up in a dictionary, or even where to find a dictionary. She wouldn’t find the word anyway. She thinks it begins with a “b”.

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I can’t help getting the feeling that the Democrat big wigs who worked behind the scenes to get Kamala selected, and Kamala herself, are in panic mode right now, as it dawns on them what an enormous, unfixable mistake they have made.
They just went from bad to worse - they got rid of the old decrepit model, and brought in the new model. But the new model is made with even more defective, useless, “made in China” parts!
No matter who interviews her, as soon as she opens her mouth and the Word Salad falls out, no amount of “psy-op” will disguise it.
It’s hilarious, but at the same time terrifying, because they’ll likely win anyway by cheating, and the evil Clown Show will continue.

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Yes, that’s what they hope.

But will the millions who passionately support Trump accept Communism meekly? If they will not, what will they do?

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That’s the million dollar question…
Judging from how these traitors mostly got away with imposing Covid lockdowns, vax mandates, the riots, the censorship and election interference, the steal itself, and every other weaponization of government against us, with mostly weak pushback by congress, it wouldn’t be a surprise if they get away with another election steal.
Millions of us won’t accept it, but with the threat of the FBI “Gestapo” looming over us, many will submit, while those that riot will be given the same treatment the Jan. 6’ers got - arrest, prosecution and imprisonment for “insurrection”.

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I think you are right.

But might there not be a movement for nullification, even secession, among the Republican-majority states?

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Maybe. I think the idea that you’ve suggested before would work best - de-fund the government by everyone refusing to pay taxes. But the problem with that is getting enough people to do it at once.

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