Profession, Suicider

“Mark Middleton, who served as a special adviser to Bill Clinton and reportedly let notorious pedophile Jeffrey Epstein into the Clinton White House at least seven times, was found dead last year. Middleton was found tied to a tree with an extension cord around his neck and a gunshot wound to his chest. After nearly a year, his death has curiously been ruled a suicide — even though the weapon that killed him was nowhere to be found.”

A question that needs to be answered: Who is the person, or who are the people, who carries/carry out the ever-unsolved murder-suicides of Clinton enemies?


Whoever the “suiciders” are, they’ve been doing it for decades and no-one ever seems to have a clue.
Entire books have been written about the trail of “suicides” the Clintons have left in their trail, but not one ever solved!


How hard should we suppose the investigators try to find the killers when the victims are Clinton enemies?


Is there any doubt that such investigations of other Leftist elites fade away into “nobody’s fault” except the dead person?

“Professional assassination is the highest form of public service.”
Chiun in “Remo Williams”