Primum Non Nocere

This is medically, scientifically, and morally obscene.


What with injecting children with poisons in the name of saving them from the remote possibility of their catching a mild flu, sterilizing them in the name of mythical “transgendering”, and removing barriers to exploiting them sexually, our sordid sadistic overlords make it seem that the kindest thing that can be done for human babies is abort them in the womb. Perhaps that’s their whole idea. Especially if the poisons and the surgeries make billions for them.


It’s just mind boggling. They can sit there and vote unanimously to approve this, as if its the safest thing in the world, while evidence against it mounts, and people are dropping like flies all around them.
They obviously have no conscience, but don’t they have any fear at all of what consequences this could hold for them, when their crime is shown?


To our overlords, crime is virtue, decency is crime.