Powerful Liars and Horrible Men

Merrick Garland, the first American Gothic attorney general of the United States, is a partisan horror show, withholding real protection from Supreme Court justices who are threatened by violent criminals even as he stigmatizes as “domestic terrorists” parents who criticize their local school boards and orders the FBI to conduct dawn raids on critics of the regime. He is a horrible man and a dangerous partisan hack, the very instantiation of the two-tier application of the law that has made such a mockery of justice during Biden’s tenure.

More about him and Secretary of State Blinken and his collaborator/betrayer Michael Morell, who are also liars and horrible men, here:


Yes, every head of our present government, from Biden, to Garland, Blinken, Milley, Buttigeg, Levine, and that other pervert they had to fire for stealing womens luggage, on down… they all insult and make a mockery of justice, decency, competency, intelligence, and of America itself.
Because the one thing they all have in common is being arrogant, lying, treasonous communist scum.


Each of these anti-American men should be gone, but why should Biden send them packing? There are no consequences for Libs.


Biden himself is the worst offender. These men lie for Biden. They are a pack of scoundrels.