Plus ça change

German Students Were Big Supporters of the Nazi Party

A photograph of a student and a member of the SA collecting books in Berlin, 1933 (Wikimedia Commons)

During the Nazis’ rise to power in the 1920s and 1930s, universities were elitist institutions that were restricted to the upper classes. There was also a lot of anti-Semitism in academia.

More generally, young Germans from a range of backgrounds supported the Nazi Party. They found the party’s revolutionary zeal attractive, particularly when compared with the economic woes of the Weimar Republic.

The nationwide book burnings in 1933 are the best example of the student support of the Nazi regime. Organized by the German Student Association, the book burnings aimed to destroy books that went against the ethos of Nazism. This included books written by Jews, communists, and pacifists.

Many of the book burnings took place on or near university campuses in major cities. In Berlin, for example, 20,000 books were burned in Opera Square.


As bad as that is, our present day has managed to be even worse. Our current academic elite are cancelling books by Dr. Suess and Mark Twain, etc. from childrens libraries, and replacing them with gay porn. And then accusing parents who object to that of being the ones who want to ban books.
To add to the absurdity, they’re also starting to insert pro- Hamas, anti-Israel materials into the brainwashing machine. So apparently they want to produce a generation of gender confused people who will also want to throw themselves off buildings.

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And so far, these monsters are succeeding.