Plunging Into Darkness

Can the electric grid as it exists today, be reliable without coal-fired generation? All of the commissioners said no.
We need to keep coal, if we don’t want Americans to be poor people shivering in the dark. That is, however, precisely what the Biden administration and the “green” lobby do intend.
Exactly one week after that May 4 hearing, the Environmental Protection Agency announced a proposed rule that could force the closure of every coal-fired power plant in America as well as most of the natural gas plants if they cannot cut their emissions by 90%.
That can’t possibly be done. We are on a collision course between “green” dreams and reality, and reality is going to win. The situation would be dire even if demand for electricity were to stay constant, but of course that is not what the Left has in mind:
The top people and key agencies that oversee the operation of the electric grid — FERC, NERC, and PJM — are all warning that our most important energy network is becoming less reliable. That declining reliability is happening at the same time the NGO-corporate-industrial-climate complex is spending tens of millions of dollars on campaigns to “electrify everything”. Those measures include bans on natural gas for heating and cooking in homes and businesses. The alt-energy push also includes, of course, electric vehicles. And again, the timing matters. The EPA’s May 11 announcement about power plants came less than a month after the same agency announced pollution rules that could require up to two-thirds of all the new vehicles sold in the country to be electric by 2032.
We are driving off a cliff, and American prosperity–our status as a developed country–is at stake.

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Completely insane. It’s also impossible that anybody, much less an entire group of people, could be that insane, or that stupid, at the same time.
It is, therefore, deliberate, and apparently they think everyone else is stupid enough to believe their insulting drivel about it and go along with it.
The result of shutting down gas and coal production, while at the same time forcing the use of electric vehicles only, will result in a completely immobilized, and thus totally controllable, population - mission accomplished!

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