Dozens of container ships are anchored near the ports, waiting to be unloaded. The delay means there will be shortages of essential goods including electronics, food, fuel and medical supplies.
Yes, California is California! Their policies are screwing the rest of us. New York and whatever sea-side ports run by Democrat Communists are adding to the coming misery.
What amazes me is anybody “warning” people to go ahead and do your Christmas shopping very early. The hell with Christmas! If you don’t have necessities stocked up, you should do it now. If you don’t have the foods and drinks that you will need for at least 3 months, you should do it now. Extra clothes and shoes? Do it now. Prescription and OTC meds? Now.
Already, there are some things that either aren’t stocked or go fast, and I don’t mean TP. Start hoarding if you haven’t yet.
And remember…3 is 2, 2 is 1, 1 is none. A year ago I bought an extra microwave and slow cooker. That gives our household 3. I could definitely use a new range…but. We have a chest freezer that is still in the box in the garage, plus the four we already use, but most of my food is home-canned.
Okay, Jeanne, enough about prepping. Sorry guys…
“Why is nothing being done about it?”
Ha! Rhetorical question, I’m sure, since it’s not a secret anymore that the world leaders they are calling on to “do something” are the ones who CREATED THE CRISIS.
They want it this way! I’m sure that their pretense at saving us all from disaster will be something that involves more control for them, and more loss of freedom for us.
Good advice!
Yes, and then there’s Fauci - the Grinch that Stole Christmas - telling us we may not get to have Christmas this year. Who the hell does he think he is?
What a self-important little petty tyrant!
What amazes me is that he actually thinks we are following his advice on all things Covid! I truly suspect that the Covid-Woke talk the talk, but do not walk the walk. They just expect their lessers to follow all the mandates, etc.
And…so sorry that I referred to you all as “guys”…such a Un-Woke sexist sow I am.
No apology needed, Jeanne - the Guy named Jillian.