Not Winning but Whining

Some people may scoff that a few men pretending to be women and women pretending to be men within the fighting force is no big deal, and that to object is a manifestation of some repressed hangup. But it is a big deal. It’s a symptom of a rot at the heart of our military that has rendered [ridiculous] what was once the world’s most formidable fighting force.

Today’s military is about promoting social pathologies, not winning wars. Today, we get pushed around by freaking Houthis, whatever they are. We don’t avenge our murdered troops in Jordan, instead flattening a few desert huts after giving the local terrorists several days’ warning to get clear. We got run out of Kabul, carrying 13 caskets, by a bunch of pedophile tribesmen. And now our airmen are subjected to the indignity of having to airdrop supplies on the same people who just murdered 30 Americans and are holding nearly a dozen more hostage.

The American military should never be a joke. Yet, when you have a grown man made up – badly – like a grown woman lecturing future officers, it is a joke. This frivolous nonsense would be a little more tolerable, barely, if the military were doing its job. But today, we have a Navy that sets fire to its own ships when it isn’t running them into other boats, an Army with officers dressed up as Doberman pinschers canoodling with subordinate officers, and now a Space Force that channels Bangkok after dark.

It’s an embarrassment. But more than that, it’s a total abdication of the military’s responsibility to be a lethal fighting force that deters our enemies and destroys them when deterrence fails. No, diversity is not our greatest strength. Strength is our greatest strength.

We have a chance to get President Trump back in 2025. He’s been burned bad by our current crop of generals and admirals before, so this is personal. If he devotes the time, the effort, and the political capital to do it, he can change the current pseudo-military back into a real military very quickly. He can fire the failed generals and admirals, ban the wokeness, reject the transsexual insanity, and reconfigure the United States military into the deadly killing machine that it should be. But right now, our military leadership is more likely to get its own soldiers killed than to kill our enemies. And that’s a disgrace.


“Today’s military is about promoting social pathologies”. Exactly. That’s what today’s entire societal agenda is, in our schools, our media, and our culture, thanks to the leftists who now control our government.
Promoting social pathologies is a form of psychological warfare, and our government is now waging that war against us, to destroy us.

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Everything being done by this regime is deliberately designed to defeat America.


Exactly so. Astonishing, inexplicable, tragic!

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Very well done, true statement by the artist.
I think it also explains all the other seemingly “inexplicable” things going on that are harming us.
BLM, for example, was exposed as having ties to the CCP. I don’t doubt, if you scratch the surface, you’ll find the same influence behind many other phony “causes”, such as Antifa, Transgenders, Palestinians, Climate protesters, etc., in conjunction with the drugs, porn, and sex trafficking.
The CCP has been funding and orchestrating all kinds of demoralizing propaganda and psychological warfare against the U.S. for decades, and getting away with it by bribing our corrupt politicians, as this illustration shows.

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I’m sure you are right, Liz.

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