He looks gorgeous, flashy, and fatuous.
India is a wonderfully great perpetual political and moral scandal.
And so now is the U.S.
Perhaps the astonishing thing is, not that the American Constitutional Republic is failing, but that it succeeded magnificently for 233 years (counting from 1776 to the presidency of the communist “community organizer” Barack Obama).
An article worth reading on how the culture of America is now almost totally a political and moral scandal:
You are forgetting Woodrow Wilson. Progressives began here.
Woodrow Wilson claimed his place within the Progressive movement with his economic reform package, “the New Freedom.” This agenda, which passed congress at the end of 1913, included tariff, banking, and labor reforms and introduced the income tax.
Progressive Era Politics - President Wilson House
America won two hot World Wars and the Cold War despite Woodrow Wilson.
The undoing of the Constitutional Republic was begun by Obama.
Okay, Wilson and FDR loosened the strings.
Fresh example of American moral decay:
Democratic Minnesota state representatives introduced legislation that could end the exclusion of pedophilia from legal protections of sexual orientation in state law.
The state’s existing anti-discrimination law excludes sexual attraction to children from legally protected sexual orientations, but HF 1655 would remove that exclusion.
The bill describes itself as “removing certain sections in the human rights act that allow for discrimination based on sexual orientation".
The phrase “‘sexual orientation’ does not include a physical or sexual attachment to children by an adult” would be struck from the legal definition of sexual orientation if the bill passes.
Wow, Liz, thanks for posting this article. It is probably THE most interesting (sorry Claire) article on culture and the war for America’s soul that I have read in a long time.
And it is he, Josiah Lippincott : How Hard Work Destroys Character › American Greatness
Hmmm…well, I guess he tells it as he thinks.
Yes, I think the Progressives saw their long-dreamed of plan carried in the arms of Barry Obama, who did not do as well as they had hoped, which is why Hillary was to carry it across the finish line…when POW, Trump stunned the world.
Those Effers! They are going to bring it on… Local areas are going to stand against the irrational culture, the insulting wokeness, the dangerous dogma whenever it threatens the family, the local school children and local traditions.
That is where the push-back is starting and as county after county says NO, there has to be a reckoning after a while. What that reckoning may be is yet to be seen. A state divorce, a national divorce? Martial law? Sanctions from the state? From DC?
What adults do to their bodies and what adults do with each others bodies is their choice…but leave the children alone and secure our nation’s interests.
They won’t be happy until they push conservatives too far, and that will also be unfortunate. Do They realize what they are doing? I am afraid that they do, but I also am afraid that they don’t know just how it will all go down in reality. Honestly, no body can know, but I know The People are mad as hell and getting madder with every push and nudge and insult. Trump represents most of those people. De Santis, too, but not as loudly as Trump.
It is all rushing toward us, whether we are prepared for it or not. All of IT…full steam ahead, damn the torpedoes…heading our way. Deargawdinheaven…
I posted the article, not Liz.
Oopsie… That is the second time I have made a similar mistake. Is this what happens at 69 years of life?
Nah…I am just rushing and upset and angry at the blankity-blank so and soes.
Thank you, Jillian.
Sheesh…Liz is not even here, yet. Where the heck is she? It’s her fault, I just assumed that Liz would pick up the ball and run with it.
Agreeing with us is Ammo Grrrll:
(Only I don’t believe the dog story. A dog will come to you if he’s called.)
In reference to the Josiah Lippincott article:
And interesting uptick in God-finding youth might well mean that conservatism is also swinging back in their minds. Remember that Beck and Tucker admiring parents often bring their thinking and faith to their offspring.
Atheists might not appreciate the resurgence, but America might.
Eddie Izzard pokes wonderful fun at Christianity. I nearly lost my breath laughing the first two times I watched it.
A dog that has been conditioned to remain in a cage will not come out unless coaxed. They are that fearfully conditioned. It is a sorrowful thing, and it takes patience and love to gain the dog’s trust in humans and in a life out of the cage, no matter how uncomfortable that life has been.
Many bad relationships continue, because they become the life one is used to, and it is easier to remain than it is to find the strength to leave. People become stuck very easily.
Counsel of despair! It only reinforces the case: there is no recovery. No going back. Even the election of Trump for a second term will not do it.
Maybe this nation, built on a constitution and a set of rules and (optimistic) guarantees, will evolve into something quite new and unforeseeable. And maybe it will be good. And maybe it will be terrible.
Jillian, most of us are neither on a mental plane with dogs, nor in an abusive relationship. It was an interesting (oh that word) comparison, but it is not a reality of human ego.
My “counsel of despair” comment was to do with the alleged resurgence of religion.
Ha! Sorry I’m late to the party, Jeanne!
It’s hard to keep up with you guys!
Yes, that’s a great article that Jillian (not me) posted. We all felt like an abused spouse by the end of Obama’s two terms, and now we’re reliving the nightmare.
Oh, I realized that Jillian, but glad you clarified the statement.