Really good! Yes, the stench of corruption is everywhere.
I found this podcast via that Twitter profile, might be of interest (also features well known UK commentator Isabel Oakeshott as a host). In this episode (56 minutes) Niall Ferguson is talking about CBDCs:
He says cash is obsolescent but also makes the point that cash (unlike CBDC) is a type of cryptocurrency (the govt. doesn’t generally know who is buying what). He also talks about how very vulnerable a cashless society would be during a war/cyber war. He also talks towards the end about freedom of speech in universities, Kathleen Stock apparently joined him at a new university venture at Austin (I think that’s what he said). He mentions the ever-changing “pride” flag and says it’s a Maoist tactic to keep changing things to keep the party faithful on their toes. Speaking of the prevalence of the flag in Regent Street, London:
This gave me an uneasy feeling, the enemy had clearly occupied the capital.
Negatives: Ferguson is still a Remainer and he doesn’t seem very aware of the Great Reset/WEF’s obvious agenda.
Still, I may tune in to this podcast now and again to get a sense of what the more mainstream “normie” right-wing people are talking about.
PS Just noticed they also interviewed the disgraced (and disgraceful) former UK “Health” Secretary Matt Hancock, definitely a normie podcast then.
He was disgraced, yes. But why do you say he was “disgraceful”?
Well there was this as well:
So he too went crazy.
Is there a sane politician left on earth - other than Trump?