Has anyone seen any reports of Islamic leaders expressing concern for the oppressed Uyghurs of China?
Muslim protests heard from Saudi Arabia? Turkey? Qatar? Iran? Iraq? Syria? Gaza? Jordan? Egypt? Tunisia? Yemen? Morocco? Sudan? Pakistan? Bangladesh? Indonesia? Afghanistan? …
Imams in Europe or America? CAIR? …
Yes, interesting that you never hear a peep from them.
In fact, Turkey is on the side of the Communist oppressor, not the Muslim victins:
Well that explains it! Follow the money.
Yet they are so quick to bash the U.S. with the charge of “islamophobia”. Because they have no honor - they use whatever means works - intimidate, terrorize, or suck up to, whoever they can bully or jointly cheat with. What scum.
Well, I can’t call him a Liar, that’s for sure. It appears, sadly for the Uyghurs, that pretty much nobody GAF about them. I’m not conversant enough with the situation to have too much opinion on it, tho I gather they are some sect of islamists ? If so, that alone would account for most of the West not GAF about them… and frankly, as odious and disgusting as I find islam, personally, I’m not terribly surprised at such reactions. If all my assumptions here are correct, at least, and I’m making no claim they are, yet, lol,until I can find out a bit more about this whole thing besides MSM propaganda…
But do you hold that oppressing, confining and harming people is wrong? That oppression as such is bad?
Do you doubt that these people, collectively called “the Uyghurs”, are suffering oppression?
Of course, But understand, if they ARE Devout islamists, I won’t lie and say my heart will hurt much for such a thing happening to people who would decidedly do the same if not worse to all the rest of us, if they ever had the power to do so. I no longer feel we should be the World’s Police,in fact, I personally never felt we EVER should have assumed such a role, excepting to stop some genuine Nuclear Threat. I’m still trying to sort it out, tho, there’s a lot of crap surrounding all this…
Yes, it’s a bit harder to sympathize with the oppression of people who would probably be oppressing others if they had the chance.
The thing that is clear here, though, is the hypocrisy of these other Muslims who scream “Islamophobia” every chance they get at Westerners, but dont seem to be bothered in the least by the far worse things China is doing to their fellow Muslims.
By “islamists” is usually meant “jihadis”. It is very unlikely that the Uyghur population of China consists entirely of jihadis.
Isn’t it possible to loathe the ideology of Islam, and abominate the jihadis, without losing sympathy for the suffering of imprisoned, tortured, raped, murdered people who were (probably one and all) involuntarily born into Islam?
If we ourselves believe that a person born into a certain race or religious group is FOR THAT VERY REASON AND THAT REASON ALONE to be considered guilty, we are endorsing the abominable political philosophy of the Left which judges you only by the race, gender, religion, political affiliation or whatever of the collective it categorizes you as belonging to.
Yes, excellent point.
Sorry, had some issues in trying to edit and screwed up pretty good, lol… Ended up deleting my damn post altogether. Anyway, the short version, is YES, I am going to paint that heinous, disgusting philosophy with the exact same brush we painted Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan with. A Mortal Enemy is a Mortal Enemy, if some of you still believe Islam is in ANY Way compatible with the Western World, I’m not likely to convince you here. I emphatically do not. It is NOT a ‘religion’ like most of us understand the word, and they use that to their advantage in duping Westerners into believing they are ‘harmless’, and it’s always just those ‘other guys’ doing all the bad stuff. Yet I NEVER see ANY Muslims protesting the religion, or the jihadists, or doing anything, really, to stop it or even mitigate it in the least. Those who do speak out have LEFT It altogether, because they know it is evil through and through, and has no redeeming value.I have Zero Tolerance for it. Life is harsh, and innocents are often caught in the middle by Evil people, but pretending these people and the horrible crock of genuine evil they worship is NOT Evil, is to me, perhaps even WORSE. Radical Christianity went thru a Reformation, perhaps some day islam may as well, but that day is not now. If that makes me ‘bad’. Oh Well. I’ll try to survive somehow. I feel sorry for those caught up in it, but everyone has choices. Many of us left the toxic Christian religions, didn’t we ? And I have read and listened to some amazing excellent people who have also left islam. But again, I have no tolerance for those who continue in it and try to pretend it is harmless, It is not.
If you encourage or even just tolerate cruelty anywhere, you will be living in a world where cruelty is acceptable. Remember, if you live in a world that tolerates cruelty, it can happen to you.
All that is irrelevant to the issue under discussion, which is whether or not cruelty is to be tolerated and so rendered acceptable.
If cruelty is acceptable, then what have you got against the jihadis, against ISIS, against Al-Qaeda? Against Islam?
I agree with you that Islam is a poisonous set of beliefs that inspires evil behavior in its adherents.
I am against cruelty towards innocent people of any religion, even Islam, but jihadists/terrorists are our enemies, and their goal is to murder us.
So it isn’t “cruelty” to kill them first, as in any case of self-defense, or defense of one’s country.