Mutilate, Castrate, Sterilize Your Children - Or Else

Edited Quote:
Top transgender health group World Professional Association for Transgender Health removed a section about a minimum age for beginning transgender treatments in its new guidance.
A correction issued September 15 by the group to the International Journal of Transgender Health — in which the original guidance was published September 6 — removed sections on suggested minimal ages for “gender-affirming” medical and surgical treatment for adolescents.
Such “gender-affirming” procedures — a phrase used to camouflage the grotesque nature of many of the procedures — include double mastectomies, female and male genital mutilation and removal, facial feminization and masculinization, hormone treatments and puberty blockers that cause chemical sterilization, and social transitioning (e.g. using “preferred” pronouns and names).
The World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH) is considered the leading transgender health care organization with its guidance for “gender dysphoric” individuals being widely used in American, British, and Canadian hospitals.
WPATH also influences health insurance policies and other health organizations such as the American Psychological Association and the American Academy of Pediatrics.
Although no specific age is mentioned, the guidance still reads, “chest masculinization [double mastectomy] surgery can be considered in minors when clinically and developmentally appropriate as determined by a multidisciplinary team experienced in adolescent and gender development.” Many clinics that offer these procedures will mutilate the bodies of 15-year-old girls.
The guidance also suggests that persons may benefit from receiving a vaginoplasty — the removal of the penis and creation of a pseudo-vagina from the tissue — before the age of 18.
WPATH further recommended that “non-affirming” parents should be met with state power in order to force them to mutilate and castrate their children.


Transgenderism is obviously the Lefts latest weapon. They don’t care who becomes collateral damage - even children.


Yes. Especially children.

Children are apparently their favorite prey.


I fear for their children or any children in their care. Sick, mentally ill, emotionally dysfunctional…mentally ill and evil people. They should be forced to undergo the treatments they suggest for children.