Most Americans Believe a Jewish Man Created the Universe?

Report of a couple of recent polls:
A recent poll reportedly found that 70% of registered voters believe that Jesus Christ physically rose from the dead.

A Scott Rasmussen National Survey poll reported that almost 70 percent of registered voters believe in Jesus’ bodily resurrection.

The survey was conducted on March 20 and 21 with 1,000 registered voters.

The article also said:
Respondents were asked whether a series of statements were true or false. They were asked to evaluate whether “the man known to history as Jesus Christ actually existed and walked the earth,” or not.
By a margin of 83% to 5%, voters said they believe that Jesus Christ did in fact exist and walked the earth.
The margin of error for the survey was plus or minus 3.1 percentage points.

According to an Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research poll from July, Americans are a people who have faith and believe in heaven, angels, prayer, and a higher guiding force.

And half of these devout multitudes vote for the Democrats with their agenda of DEI, CRT, ESG, LGBTQ++, transgendering children (ie mutilating and sterilizing them) - just as their Jesus Christ would have done? Also, still following their J.C. of course, allowing multitudes of illegal immigrants, many of them diseased, many of them gang members, torturers, murderers, rapists and other criminals of all sorts into the US? And they see nothing wrong with abortion, polyamory, same-sex “marriage”? The abandonment of the rule of law? Cheating to win elections? Sending tax payer’s dollars to Iran? Just to name a few things they vote for as devout Christians. Okay, it figures.


Well, it either means that they voted for all that, or it’s just more proof that the election was rigged!
I know the left has infiltrated alot of churches, so maybe it actually is that bad by now, but I doubt it.
If it’s true, then I guess the fact that Biden has declared Easter “Transgender Visibility Day” will be celebrated by all. Jesus was Queer, of course!

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