More Data Suggesting Increased Mortality Rates

I’ve not had time to check the data for myself but I’m seeing increasing numbers of articles like these:

“Updated analysis of deaths in males 15-19 years of age”

From the above article:

Dr John Campbell has also had a look at it and is concerned as well, saying that deaths are 16% above the five year average. He did emphasize at the beginning that these are non-COVID deaths, he also said he did not rule out the possibility that the jabs were a factor as well, and certainly thinks that delayed hospital appointments etc. were a factor:

He observes as well that a larger number of deaths are happening at home, and he is calling for an urgent inquiry.


Also the Daily Mail:

Collateral damage of lockdowns could be behind 1,000 deaths a week: NON-Covid fatalities rise in England and Wales as experts blame pandemic restrictions and backlogs


That doggy thing on his windowsill is made in China. Look at its eye. Dr John Campbell is under constant surveillance by the CCP. They will not allow him to interfere with their agenda - culling the human race.


Good point yes, at least it’s not wearing a mask any more though.


Yes, every day there is news of another young, healthy athlete who dies suddenly, for no apparent reason. The statistics I see are stunning, also.


Chauncey, have you seen any information about the fact that covid causes myocarditis?
He mentions it here, but I have wondered if this is different or the same as the flu, and does it make it more dangerous than the flu (although the death rate is similar).
And if so, is that something that was engineered into the virus as part of the “gain of function”?


Trying to get any useful info. on it is difficult, this govt. report quotes a study which near the end reveals that the authors have ties to Pfizer etc… They were measuring it up to 6 months after “infection”, so there could have been all sorts of causes (and the average age of people dying of COVID-19 was over 80 in the UK).


5% of patients developed new onset myocarditis and 1.5% pericarditis within a 6 month period following COVID-19 infection .

They made people stay at home during the lockdown (and many particularly elderly) unhealthy people were frightened to go outside, vitamin deficiency is a factor apparently. A lot of people drank more than usual being bored at home, and alcohol is a risk factor apparently as well . All in all I don’t believe there is any totally reliable data on it and I take these claims about COVID-19/myocarditis as probably mostly scare-mongering.

including those that cause the common cold, influenza or COVID-19


Thanks! It’s difficult to sort out all the information when you can’t trust most of the sources.
But it still doesn’t change the fact that no matter what the dangers of Covid are, the remedy offered by the government/Pharma complex is worse than the disease.


A bit more on this from a Reuters “fact-check”.

“We estimated between 1 and 10 extra events of myocarditis in 1 million people vaccinated with a first or second dose, but 40 extra cases in 1 million people infected with COVID-19,” Oxford professor and study lead Julia Hippisley-Cox said.

So they’re claiming between 4-40 times the rate for COVID-19 compared to the jabs (always bearing in mind though this is a very small percentage of 1 million people, and some of those affected may be old people. ALSO there are again [edit: potentially] multiple conflict of interest problems in the ethics section under the study:

Risks of myocarditis, pericarditis, and cardiac arrhythmias associated with COVID-19 vaccination or SARS-CoV-2 infection | Nature Medicine)#ethics


Well, that’s the problem - I don’t trust the U.S. and European regulators, the WHO, the CDC, or Rueters, who claim that the benefits of the vaccines outweigh the risks. Because of the huge conflicts of interest that they have, they’ve lost their credibility.


So now, their lies being exposed, they are changing the definition of “vaccine” and “vaccination”.


Its funny how people who simply point out the FACT that the Covid “vaccine” doesn’t meet the CDC’s own definition of a vaccine are called “right wing Covid 19 pandemic deniers”!


Talking obvious nonsense, Fauci contradicts himself in the same statement:


What a lying scumbag.