Millions of Arabs Hail Benjamin Netanyahu as "King of the Middle East"


From her linked article:

Here in Israel, there’s been deep relief and celebration over the killing of the Hezbollah chief Hassan Nasrallah, along with some 20 senior Hezbollah and Iranian operatives who were meeting with him in an underground bunker in Beirut.

It’s not just the removal of an arch-terrorist and key strategist of mass murder across the region and the world. It’s not just the blow this has inflicted on the genocidal Iranian regime in which Nasrallah was a vital cog.

No less important to the beleaguered Israelis has been the demonstration of jaw-dropping intelligence and military genius in a series of brilliant manoeuvres — the rapid degradation of Hezbollah’s rocket arsenal, the exploding pagers and two-way radios and the elimination of the entire Radwan high command through one missile strike, leaving Hezbollah already in chaos and on the ropes when Nasrallah and his fellow mass murderers were killed by mighty bunker-buster bombs.

To a country still deeply traumatised by the astounding failure of its intelligence and military establishment to prevent the barbaric pogrom on October 7, thus shattering the sacred promise that Israel embodied for the Jewish remnant of the Holocaust that this was the one country that would guarantee their safety, the super-smart and perfectly executed decimation of the enemy — in just two weeks, after almost a year of traumatic horror, grief and loss — has been a national shot in the arm.

The morally bankrupt and, frankly, increasingly out-to-lunch west doesn’t see it in that way at all. Once again, it’s blaming Israel for attempting to defeat its mortal enemies rather than surrendering to them, and is siding with those intent upon genocide rather than supporting their intended victims.

Having almost universally failed to acknowledge Hezbollah’s 8,000-plus rockets and missiles with which it has depopulated northern Israel by creating around 80,000 refugees inside their own country in a daily onslaught that started on October 8, the west has accused Israel of escalation!

You would never know from this nauseating media fandom that Nasrallah was responsible for dozens of terrorist attacks and the murder of countless hundreds of people.

Although the Islamic death cultists had a meltdown over Nasrallah’s demise, there were scenes of wild jubilation among thousands of Arabs and Muslims.

In Syria, Lebanon, Iraq and Iran Arabs and Muslims distributed celebratory sweets and cakes and danced in the streets to express their unbridled joy at Nasrallah’s removal from this earth and thanked Israel for “getting rid of our garbage”.

In Lebanon, people cheered and clapped, drivers honked their horns and fireworks exploded in the sky in the north-western region where Nasrallah was seen as a key ally of Syrian president Bashar al-Assad and was thus responsible for assisting Assad’s brutal crackdown on opponents and helping turn the tide of the civil war in his favour.

A video went viral on Arab social media celebrating Israel’s dominance over Hezbollah.

Many dubbed Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu a hero, referring to him as “the king of the Middle East”.

Syrians celebrating in the streets held up a sign reading: “Thank you very much Netanyahu. By killing Nasrallah you light the path of peace”.

In a striking reversal of the obscene anti-Jewish hate marches that have been taking place ever since the October 7 pogrom, Iranians gathered outside the Israeli embassy in London to thank the IDF for removing Nasrallah from the world.

America’s appeasement of Iran, first by the Obama-Biden administration and then by the Biden-Harris administration, has been catastrophic in signalling to the Iranian regime that it is aiming at an open goal.

That was why the October 7 pogrom happened. It’s why the subsequent war has dragged on for a year; it could have been stopped on October 8 had America bombed the Iranian oil refineries, or told Qatar that unless the hostages were released unharmed within 24 hours all relations with Qatar would cease.

But it didn’t do that. Instead it put pressure on Israel to surrender — as Biden is doing even now — and punished it when it refused. As a result, Iran and its proxies believed they were winning.

It’s taken Israel — in extremis — to show the spineless west that sometimes you have to make war to prevent a worse war; that in a war, you only win if the enemy is totally defeated, otherwise the enemy wins; and that you can only win if you fight with that aim in mind.

Israel has achieved more in two weeks against America’s enemy Hezbollah — which has so much American blood on its hands — than the US has achieved in more than two decades.

More significant than that, Israel has now been seen to have faced down [Biden’s] America. This will have a dramatic and very deep impact on the Arab world.

The Arabs think that America has abandoned them for Iran — which indeed it has. Accordingly, the Arabs have come to regard America as their enemy. Now they are looking upon Israel — for whom America has also become a lethally false friend — as their brave and valorous defender.

As a result it is Israel, not the United States of America, which is now emerging as the major player in the Middle East and the chief defender of civilised values in the world.

That’s quite an achievement. And it’s happened because of the civilisational collapse of America and the west.

Israel’s current celebrations are necessarily muted. More than 100 hostages remain in the hellholes of Gaza. Yahya Sinwar is (presumably) still alive and is still using the hostages as blackmail. Hezbollah and Iran still have many lethal missiles in their arsenals. Israel is still under attack from Yemen, Iraq and Syria — not to mention from within the disputed territories of Judea and Samaria. The head of the snake is Iran. This evil will not be defeated until and unless Iran is neutralised.

It’s impossible not to feel that something momentous is now unfolding.

Rub your eyes.

As things stand at present, the line-up is Israel and the Arab world versus America and Iran.

Here in Israel it feels as if this is a seismic moment for the Jewish people, a hinge of history which is opening up a new world order in which Israel will win — because it has no alternative — and the west that so disdains it will lose.

… unless and until President Trump is re-inaugurated.

Read the whole article. There is much more to learn from it.


Yes, the “civilizational collapse” of America was temporarily on hold while Trump was President.
As soon as they got him out, it continued at an accelerated rate. They’re making the most of their opportunity to finish the job of destroying us.
They want to do the same to Israel, and Netanyahu, like Trump, is the only thing standing in their way.
But at least he has some of the Arab world on his side - even Iranians. It’s the people against the government, just as it is in the U.S.

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A video posted on social media showed a group of Iranian women, their faces hidden, saying in Persian that they, “the children of Iran, send a congratulatory message to everyone for the death of Hassan Nasrallah and congratulate the Iranian nation,” and sending a special thank you to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

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Iran launched missiles into Israel "a short while ago”.

A spokesman for the IDF said that Israel’s air defense system is "fully operational, detecting and intercepting threats wherever necessary”.

In his speech to the UN, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu warned Iran, “If you strike us, we will strike you. There is no place in Iran that the long arm of Israel cannot reach."

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Only two injuries are reported across Israel in the Iranian missile attack on the country, Magen David Adom says.

The ambulance service says it treated only two people who were lightly wounded by shrapnel in Tel Aviv.

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It seems that if Western Civilization is to survive, it will be due primarily to the stalwart actions of the tiny and be beleaguered l state of Israel.


Yes, it does seem so!

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Iranian report: 5 dead, 12 wounded IRGC forces from the Yanbarkaf unit in the explosion of a Segil missile before firing (therefore the launch) at Mallard.

Also: A Palestinian from Gaza living in Jericho was the only reported death in the IRGC attack.

The Islamic Regime only killed IRGC members and Palestinians [at least one] in this attack.

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REPORTER:"Do you have any words to the victims of the hurricane?

BIDEN: “We’ve given everything that we have.”

REPORTER: “Are there any more resources the federal government could be giving them?”

BIDEN: “No.”

But there’s always more money for Hamas and the PLO who are occupying parts of the West Bank and Gaza.

After just wasting over $200 million on a failed Gaza aid pier, the Biden-Harris admin is dispatching over $300 million more in “humanitarian aid” to prop up Islamic terrorists.

This funding brings the total U.S. humanitarian assistance announced for the Palestinian people to more than $1 billion since October 2023.

Kill over 1,000 people, get over $1 billion. What Islamic terror group wouldn’t take that deal?

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Headline: President [Joe Biden] cancels Rosh Hashanah call with US Jewish community.
He did so in light of a full-blown attack by Iran on Israel.

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It’s getting harder and harder for the Biden regime to hide which side of this conflict it favors.
It’s Iran and it’s proxies that started it and continue to escalate it. But Biden never demands that Iran not escalate - he only demands that of Israel.
And they know all the “humanitarian aid” goes right into weapons, not aid.

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