Medical brutes

The evil continues. The covid Pfizer trials (the shortest in medical history) specifically excluded four groups of people - those over 75 years, those under 20 years, the immunocompromised, and pregnant/breast feeding women. And these medical brutes could look people straight in the eye and tell members of these groups that the vaccine was thoroughly tested and found to be safe and effective. And they are still saying this!!There is no punishment sufficiently severe for these moral outrages.


It’s worse than what this article even states.
It says the data is still unknown and that the vaccine is probably safe, but we just dont know for sure.
That would be bad enough - but we DO know the data, and we know it IS unsafe.
Pfizer was forced to release it, a group of volunteers headed by Naomi Wolf have been researching it, and they have found evidence that it adversly affected pregnant women and babies.
Even worse, this data was known to the CDC BEFORE Walensky declared that it was safe for pregnant women, so she knew, and was lying.
And it’s just the latest instance of a long running pattern in Pharma companies and our government agencies, of deliberate malfeasance for profit.


I think this is nuts.

!.There is no such thing as Big Pharma, any more than there is such a thing as the Elders of Zion. If the developed nation state is so socialist that it takes over most of the spending on healthcare, then of course the pharmaceutical companies become over-involved in government policy. But they are private companies, reequired to think for themselves to come up with new drugs and despite the pressures of politics, they do and wonderfully and we should all be grateful for all the drugs we take that keep us alive. I find all references to Big Pharma deeply uspetting because it is mad to think the world is conspiring when it is simply influenced by creeping socialism. And it is madder to think that enterprises that require inventiveness and free thought like medical research, have headspace for anything but their goals. Even in China, the senior medical figures warned the state about the Wuhan laboratory’s deficiencies in safety - and were of course silenced. If Big Pharma exists anywhere in the world, it is in Wuhan and not Pfizer, and even in Wuhan it was clearly an enormous cock-up and not a conspiracy.

If you really believe in Big Pharma, then give up every pill, painkiller, salve and tablet you use. I am sticking with my own personal hope in pharmaceutical research for both myself and my family.

  1. I don’t think the analysis above is fair and the Tablet raises a good question but it is not proof anything is unsafe. There is plenty of evidence that pregnant and lactating women die and suffer more from covid. The mechanism of the Pfizer vaccine suggests it will not harm those women. The various authorities dithered about giving them the vaccine at the height of the pandemic and there is a good summary here: Pregnant People’s Paradox—Excluded From Vaccine Trials Despite Having a Higher Risk of COVID-19 Complications | Pregnancy | JAMA | JAMA Network. I’d still like to know why the trial of 4000 women was apparently completed but no results are given: CTG Labs - NCBI. But there are some studies and they would probably sway me, if I were a pregnant young woman, to take the vaccine: In the end, the people who avoided smallpox by trusting Edward Jenner, had no phase 2 or 3 trials to reassure them and no insight into how the mechanism of the vaccine worked. It is a risk you evaluate yourself withthe best evidence available.
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There’s no such thing as big Pharma? Well, enjoy Lalaland, then! Have you ever seen a record of how many lawsuits have been brought against companies like Pfizer, Monsanto, etc, over harms from their products? Because they don’t do serious testing on them, and they lie about it.
And even after they pay some amount of penalty, they still go on doing the same thing, and making millions. And then they got a law passed that gives them immunity from lawsuits - how convenient for them! Because they’ve bought off the politicians and bureaucrats like Fauci. It’s a racket.

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Absolutely spot on, Liz. I confess I am of two minds with regard to big Pharma. I detest their immoralities in developing new drugs, but I also recognize that I would probably not be alive today if it were not for medications and treatments developed by them. Life is complex, eh?


When I use the term Big Pharma, I mean giant pharmaceutical companies who at times produce wondrous drugs, yet at other times, demonstrate a malignant propensity to manipulate or conceal data which might compromise their interests.
I do recognize that I am alive today because of medications produced by these big pharmaceutical firms and say so unhesitatingly. Adam Smith’s invisible hand is at work here.
But, as in all human enterprise, human nature being what it is, there is always a risk that criminal activities may be present. Pfizer is a prime example of this. Simply Google Pfizer’s record payouts for fraud and compensation. Ghastly.
I am not a vaccine denier. I am a proponent of most vaccines, and see these (along with the development of antibiotics) as one of the greatest achievements of the human mind. It is wonderful to never see the devastation of polio, tetanus, measles et al…
Medical officers of health and politicians knew, however, that the covid vaccine was never thoroughly tested, and therefore, could not be declared safe or effective. These moral cretins knew the vaccines did not confer immunity, did not stop infection, and did not stop the spread of infection. They continue in this professional misconduct to the present day.
No, Big Pharma is real and, sometimes. Big Pharma can be criminally evil. This is one of those times. To deny this is simply wilful blindness.


Very well said, Cogito!

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You raise a very good point, westrop8. We do owe a tremendous debt of gratitude to the great pharmaceutical companies.

Cogito acknowledges that, fully.

But his argument against the Covid vaccine - and other evils that those companies are also to be held responsible for - is pertinent and necessary.

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“A Lancet review of 325 autopsies after Covid vaccination found that 74% of the deaths were caused by the vaccine – but the study was removed within 24 hours.”

Read it all here:


Thanks for posting this here, Jillian. I posted it earlier as a stand alone piece.


Not surprising that Lancet would do that, because they lied about it from the beginning.

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Sorry, Cogito. I am forgetful. (I thought it looked strangely familiar.)

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The Lancet had, until covid, been a medical journal of first rank. Sic transit…


The Lancet under Richard Horton has not been free of political bias. This has been true for decades.


I agree. When I was a medical student several millennia ago, the Lancet (along with the New England Journal of Medicine) was the gold standard in terms of medical integrity. When this changed, I am not quite sure, but changed it has.


Like Naomi Wolf, I suspect deliberate foul play in the way the vaccine was produced and administered. At the very least I definitely don’t rule it out. The stats are just too astonishing. Ed Dowd has uncovered a lot of it, including excess deaths in young and middle-aged adults up by as much as 40%, based on insurance data. His book is Cause Unknown: The Epidemic of Sudden Deaths in 2021 & 2022 - foreword by Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

:rotating_light: Ed Dowd Drops Bombshell Data: Hematological (Blood-Related) Claims Up 522% Above Trend in 2022 (


The excess death rate continues to be under reported, but nothing surprises me anymore.


Yes, the stats are mind boggling. Proof of a catastrophic event of historic magnitude.

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