Professor [of History at Harvard and senior fellow at the Hoover Institute] Niall Ferguson recommends that we take in the whole of the speech given by Argentina’s President Javier Milei yesterday to the assembled globalistas at Davos. Ferguson characterizes the speech as “a magnificent defense of individual liberty and the free market economy”.
These must have sounded like fighting words: “Today I’m here to tell you that the western world is in danger…because those who are supposed to defend the values of the west have been co-opted by a vision of the world that inexorably leads to socialism, and therefore to poverty”. How do you say bingo in Spanish?
He took an ordinary commercial flight to Switzerland. Splendid free-market defender, Milei! He told the World Economic Forum’s globalist authoritarian collectivists what they did not want to hear but badly needed to be told. They must have squirmed. I hope they did. I doubt, however, that any of them will be persuaded to reconsider their political and economic opinions, even by the best arguments an individualist capitalist can make. They did not reach their collectivist convictions by reason, to which they are not susceptible, so cannot be reasoned out of them.
See the video, hear the speech [in English translation]:
And/or read the transcript [in English]: