Ka-Malady's latest insight


What would you assess her IQ to be, Zerothruster?

Well below 100, I would say.


Honestly, I think innate or acquired intelligence as measured by IQ is not a very reliable inverse correlate of innate or acquired stupidity. Those quantities seem independent and can exist in any combination. It’s kind of like Nassim Nicholas Taleb’s notion of IYI - Intellectual Yet Idiot. Or Orwell’s quip about the nonsensical ideas intellectuals can come up with: “You must be an intellectual. No ordinary person would ever believe such a thing”. So my guess would be her IQ is somewhere above average but well below impressive. I suspect her word salads are tossed with a clinical dose of marijuana.


No! I can’t agree with you about her. She’s really really stupid.

Yes, everybody is stupid about some things, in some situations, at some times. Even our admirable selves. Even the cleverest among us. And many professors are dangerously stupid.

And I don’t think IQ tests are reliable. They’re only an indication. An approximate measurement.

The more reliable indication is what she utters publicly. Stupid about everything every time. Exceptionally dumb even for a lefty woman.


And, I think, a very irritating and repulsive personality. Kamala.

Kamala the Kackler.


Biden/Harris - “Dumb and Dumber”!


I heard this snippet and it is classical Kommie. I agree with both of you on the IQ thingie. There are a good many stupid people that have risen past the limits of their capabilities simply because they were the correct skin color and sex…or they knew something secret, or they slept their way to the top, or they knew someone that was an easy fix to their aspirations. And, when they got to the top, it became apparent that they were in fact not capable of handling their position, so maybe they got promoted to supervisor of something, but that led to an even higher promotion, because the employers are also stupid. As long as they didn’t speak in public and had others write their speeches, etc. they were able to fool people…sort of.

Dumb and Dumber indeed!


There’s something called The Peter Principle “which observes that people in a hierarchy tend to rise to a level of respective incompetence: employees are promoted based on their success in previous jobs until they reach a level at which they are no longer competent”. But there is also something called “failing upward”. I think that latter concept is more applicable to democrat figureheads like Ka-Malady and Biden.


No, I don’t think so, Zerothruster. Neither of them was ever competent at anything.

Politics is a sphere in which just sticking around for a very long time gets you steady promotion even if you are a complete idiot. That’s what happened to Joe Biden.

As for Kamala, she advanced by way of the political “casting couch”, and then caught the Left’s fashion bus, which was taking “women of color” on board, to “qualify” by her sex and complexion for the position she is now cackling in so ridiculously.


Hasn’t it been said that Joe Biden has been wrong on every single foreign policy vote in his career? Wonder if that is true?


Obama’s Secretary of Defense Robert Gates said it.

I guess Joe Biden has been wrong about every issue all his political life. How could he be right about anything - unless accidentally?


Virgil sat beside him at a Delmarva Poultry Industry dinner one year long, long ago. But…Virgil doesn’t have hardly any hair, so he was safe there. He said he was a nice enough, interesting fellow, but not particularly astute.

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Interesting how?


I have no idea, they probably talked about chickens and farming and local economic woes… It doesn’t take much to be interesting at one of these dinners.

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“But there is also something called “failing upward”. I think that latter concept is more applicable to democrat figureheads like Ka-Malady and Biden.”

Well, I did say that it was never a question of competence about those two. Instead, they failed upward, which corroborates your point about “sticking around for a very long time gets you steady promotion” in politics. I think that has a lot to do with the great advantages of incumbency. And as Monica Crowley has pointed out recently on War Room, politics has no actual market discipline about a profit motive. It’s all about power and control. But there is a kind of corrupt market of monetary incentives built into all of that governmental power and control. And the radical left has mastered its market dynamics to be used against us.



Yes, totally incoherent, except in the very consistently destructive results.