Joe Biden, Hypocrite and Liar

The Democrat Party was for slavery, secession, segregation. The Republican Party came into existence to end slavery, fought to prevent secession, and opposed segregation.
Joe Biden, was a staunch segregationist. Now he pretends he wasn’t; that on the contrary he supported the Civil Rights movement.

It is particularly loathsome for the president to smear his political opponents as modern-day Bull Connors when he was the one who embraced segregation.
On his first campaign, only a few years after he now claims his heart was in Selma, Biden told a group that he had been honored as “one of the outstanding young politicians of America” by the notorious Alabama Gov. George Wallace — the man who instructed police “to use whatever measures are necessary to prevent” that march in 1965.

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He does nothing but lie, as he always has.
He’s never been anything but a sleazy, corrupt liar.
It’s beyond an absurd, ludicrous joke that he ever got elected as President.
Oh, that’s right, because he wasn’t elected.

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