Jews will not vote for Trump

If one needed more evidence of the idiocy of religion…

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But the religious Jews DO vote for Trump, Cogito. Even the article admits that.

Of course I agree with your dismissal of religion. But I don’t agree with much else that is in the article.

Just one example (quite a few are possible) of what is wrong with it: The Jews who turned Communist and supported Stalin totally abandoned their Jewishness - not just the Jewish religion which many - perhaps a majority - of Western Jews had stopped observing by the turn of the 20th century, but membership of the Jewish people. Communism - they thought and hoped - was a way into the Brotherhood of Man. They had been rudely disabused of that idea in the late nineteenth century by several Communist Parties, particularly in Russia and Lithuania, where they reacted by forming their own red revolutionary faction, the Bund. Still, Jews played a big part in the Communist Party revolutions of 1917 in Russia and 1919 in Germany and Hungary.

Why most American Jews are loyal to the anti-semitic “Democratic” Party remains an insoluble mystery.

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Yes, Jillian, I take your point.


My impression from this article is that socialists/communists infiltrated among Jews the same way they have been infiltrating among many Christian denominations for a few decades now, only with the Jews it started a long time ago.
Communism really does appear to be a sort of secular substitute for religion - with a belief, as Jillian notes, in a “brotherhood of man”.
So yes, when a religious belief and tradition is controlling peoples thinking, they are less likely to make choices based on logic.
Kind of ironic that Jews who are actually religious can make a more logical choice and vote for Trump than the ones who are supposedly more open to logic by being secular.

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In a nutshell, this is my take on this. For two thousand years, the Jewish people suffered between the jaws of altar and throne. When the monarchs weren’t directing pogroms, the Church was directing persecutions and inquisitions. Then, in the nineteenth century, a philosopher named Marx provided the blueprint for a new society, a society free of both monarchs and Church. I can easily understand how the Jews would rally to the banner of this apparent utopia. What is incomprehensible, is the continued allegiance of so many Jews to the cruel, tyrannical, and anti-Semitic of socialism/communism. As Jillian says, it is perhaps an insoluble mystery.


I like your take, Cogito. Thank you for it.

Only I would substitute the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States for the “blueprint for a new society, a society free of both monarchs and Church”.

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Indeed. The creation of the United States in the Age of Reason was man’s last hope for a civilization built on liberty and individual rights, free of both monarchy and established church. It has had a good run, but the abyss looms…


… Though there is still a fair possibility that Trump will survive, be elected - and save us. I think. And hope.

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That explanation - the blueprint that Marx offered - makes sense. And as for why they still want to follow that blueprint, maybe it’s for the same reasons that any religious people are still believers - its just programmed in and they don’t really think about it, or apply much logic to it.
Those who live in the U.S., like too many of us who enjoy the benefits of the Constitution, take the freedom it provides for granted and don’t really think about that, either.
Trump brought up the point in an interview that alot of Christians don’t vote - if they did we’d win easily.
That is inexcusable. They are either ignorant and indifferent, or stupidly believing that Christians shouldn’t get involved in politics (where would we be if the Founding Fathers had thought like that?)
Or they think the “Rapture” is imminent, so don’t bother.

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