Japan to start jailing people for online insults

I was honestly shocked to hear this new coming out from Japan.


Well, no oriental country has a tradition of free speech. Freedom itself has never been valued as a political principle anywhere but in the now lost Western world.


It says it was brought on by “cyber-bullying”, which has in the case they mention triggered a suicide.
Although that’s a tragedy, I’ve never understood it. The old saying, “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me”, used to be taught to children, who learned to stand up to bullys.
That was sacrificed in order to be replaced with a bogus campaign against bullying, which was, as far as I can tell, just a pretext to then introduce transgenders as the next “victim” class.
So, as usual, we can thank the left for all of it - transgenderism, the loss of free speech, and the abuse of our children by so-called “educators”.


This doesn’t surprise me. Japan has a long cultural tradition of submission to authority, to statism, and to collectivism. The rights of the individual are not even a tertiary consideration; the “good of society” and the “good of the nation” are far more important in their culture than individual freedom.


A brilliant comment. Yes! Thank you, Liz.


Thanks for that, Billy. It needs to be known by the whiny Leftists in America.