Items to Delight the Passionate Friends of Islamic Terrorism Everywhere in the Free West

Again we borrow from the ironically named website, The Religion of Peace:

2024.06.12 (DRC)
Thirty innocent people, including children, are hacked to death with machetes by Islamists.
2024.06.12 (Yemen)
Ansar Allah use a boat bomb against a Greek-owned ship, killing a worker.
2024.06.11 (Burkina Faso)
Jama’a Nusrat ul-Islam wa al-Muslimin members claim an attack that leaves over one-hundred dead.
2024.06.09 (India)
Islamists fire on a bus carrying Hindu pilgrims, sending it into a gorge and killing at least nine.
2024.06.08 (DRC)
Forty-one villagers are massacred by Religion of Peace proponents.
2024.06.06 (Nigeria)
Boko Haram behead ten villagers and shoot ten others at close range.

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Yes, meanwhile Hamas is still holding hostages, and their supporters here are not being treated as terrorists or deported.
The next 9/11 is already being plotted.
The only question is - will it occur before or after the election?

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This is an excellent site, and the link to it needs to be propagated far and wide.

The most important page on it is this one, which answers typical objections from well-meaning people. About Muslims

It could apply to every religion, although Islam is the religion today which is, in its formal teachings, the one which is most opposed to human progress.

What this particular page does not address is this: although any individual Muslim may be personally indifferent to, or even, in practice, opposed to, the most objectionable teachings of Islam – what are the implications of mass Muslim immigration to democratic non-Muslim countries? Will they assimilate to the higher culture represented by these countries? (This may depend on what sort of Muslim countries they come from: for instance, the assimilation of Somalis to Swedish culture doesn’t seem to be going very well.)