Islamic Manifest Destiny

" It’s not about oppression. It’s not about “open air concentration camps” or any of the other lies. It’s about the Islamic manifest destiny of conquering the world and subjugating all non-Muslims."


They need to be sent back to their own tents in the Stone Age they came from.
If only the West wasn’t in the process of suicidal implosion, due to the crazy pills it’s been fed for the past decades by the communists who also plan to rule the world, that wouldn’t be hard to accomplish.

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Islam simply is incompatible with the decency of the West. Your idea of repatriation of these savages is sound, but, alas, is too late.

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What should be done with them - ideally?

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Ideally, of course, they should be expelled, but this will not happen. So, even Donald Trump cannot reverse this inevitable destruction of our Enlightenment world.

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“Remember, this is not Berlin in 1933, it’s New York City in 2024.”

I remember people asking, after WWII, why didn’t the Jewish people get out sooner? Couldn’t they see the writing on the wall?Will people be asking the same question several generations from now? Couldn’t we see the writing on the wall?The Jews in Germany were limited in their possible destinations, even had they wanted to leave. Nobody wanted them. Is the situation in Canada and the US any different now? There is no place to go. I know how this will end.

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It’s so twisted its hard to unravel the logic of it.
Leftists have always at least pretended to champion victimized minorities, which is why (if I’m not mistaken) so many Jews identified with the Left - because they actually were a victimized minority - before it was “cool” to be one.
Now they find themselves labeled as the oppressors of the latest victim group that the Left has manufactured, and worse - as Nazis - the very group that oppressed them!
Yet those protesting against them and labeling them as Nazis are the ones acting just like Nazis, using the same Jew-hating rhetoric!
But wait, there’s more! The same leftists funding and promoting these Nazi-like, Jew-hating protests are also labeling Trump and his voters as Nazis.
(So apparently being a Nazi is a bad thing, except when leftists do it.)
We’re the worst threat to democracy since Hitler!
Meanwhile the Jew hating Muslims, who just massacred Jews on Oct.7 in their ongoing terrorist campaign, are presented as the victims, despite their stating openly and consistently that they plan “Death to America” as well as to Israel.
None of it adds up.

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The source of Jew hatred in the west has been Christianity. I believe that there is a straight line from Matthew 27:25 to Auschwitz. Two thousand years of hatred and contempt for the Jewish people has emanated from the pulpits of Europe. And we know where that ended.

Today, of course, the source of hatred and contempt for the Jewish people is Islam. And I know where that will end, too. Humanity will enter an Islamic Dark age after the fall of the America, just as it faced a Christian Dark Age after the fall of Rome.


Yes. My theory is that Christianity, which sought to replace Judaism, both stole from and demonized it.
Then Islam, which sought to replace both of them, stole from and demonized both.
Judaism and Christianity made peace, more or less, (with the exception of the Nazis) after the Enlightenment, but Islam failed to get the memo.
It still seeks to conquer them, and since it is now being aided and abetted by the Left, (a secular, but gnostic cult in itself), which seeks to replace all the rest - both religion and the Enlightenment -civilization itself is in danger.

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There is Israel to go to.

Which is why Israel exists.

Why Israel must exist.

And right now must destroy Hamas.

And soon must defeat theocratic Iran.

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Trump, Netanyahu, Musk are holding the bridge.

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I agree with you, but, at least for now, Israel seems to be the least safe place for Jews to be.


I like your analysis.


DEI stands for:-

Diversity (excluding Jews)
Equity (except for Jews)
Inclusion (but not Jews)

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And except, of course, for white men.

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