Islam - a Cancer of Civilization

Given the lobbying and propaganda efforts by radical Muslim organizations like CAIR, ISNA and the NCCM, the spread of Muslim influence on university campuses, and the recognition of the Muslim Brotherhood as a partner in dialogue, the die appears to have been cast. The media for its part has gone soft on the menace and is busy promoting the Muslim agenda, rarely identifying jihadists as Muslims but as “lone gunmen" of “Asian origin” or as psychologically troubled individuals. As the expression has it, terrorists tend to “get away with murder".
The Islamic fact is now solidly entrenched and continues to bore ever more deeply into the body politic, with the collusion of the Democrat and Liberal administrations in the U.S. and Canada, a significant portion of the judiciary, the press, and the vociferous left-wing intelligentsia. The European experience is being imported wholesale into our countries. Pointing this out is quickly denounced as Islamophobia. The truth is that official elements have succumbed to an epidemic of Islamophilia.
What we are really witnessing in Europe, the U.S., and its outriders in Canada and Australia—the synoptic West—is the doleful spectacle of a civilization in denial, a myopic civilization that in most of its cultural and political centers will not recognize it is under attack
It seems haplessly incapable of mounting meaningful resistance, let alone launching a counter-attack …
The inability to take the measure of a committed and imperial adversary intoxicated with a sense of its own triumphal inevitability, is a terminal decision. The turn against reason and the civilizing imperative is merely another sign, regrettably one of many, of the West’s complicity in its own demise.

Read it all here:

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“…the unwillingness to understand that a liberal society must be, when challenged, a warlike society, or it will not endure.”
That’s the heart of the problem. It’s our greatest weakness, and Marxists have been exploiting it for a century. We thought the peace and prosperity afforded by our free societies was enough proof in itself to defeat the communist lie, so we tolerated it, not seeing the danger of “tolerating the intolerant”.
We tolerated them for so long, they’ve taken over.
The Muslim “invasion” didn’t just happen - it was orchestrated by these same leftists as a means to destroy freedom and establish global tyranny.

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