Isabel Paterson

“Whoever is fortunate enough to be an American citizen came into the greatest inheritance man has ever enjoyed. He has had the benefit of every heroic and intellectual effort men have made for many thousands of years, realized at last. If Americans should now turn back, submit again to slavery, it would be a betrayal so base the human race might better perish.”

Isabel Paterson


She was exactly right.


“My heart aches.” The first words of Keats’s Ode to a Nightingale - a favorite of mine since early childhood - have never been so meaningful to me as they are now.


Yes, it’s a tragedy unfolding year after year.
I keep hoping that we’ll succeed in turning it around - and we did, with Trump - but they derailed it.
All I can hope is that enough people eventually wake up to what they’re doing to become a force of resistance big enough to stop them.


A wonderful poem, and, yes, very apt.


I suggest you not hold your breath.


Because I do not know this line by heart:

My heart aches, and a drowsy numbness pains
My sense, as though of hemlock I had drunk,

Yes, a “drowsy numbness” when I thought we would be a bit more frantic over the loss. I can only guess that because we, and by that I mean my family, are more settled with the STOTU as it is under Biden and before under Obama, and already thinking about the worsening that could come to all aspects of daily living and getting by…we are a bit numb.

I have often been that way after periods of higher stress, as it seems the brain kicks in to save the body from PTS and numbs itself to the new state of affairs. I see it in my family, as well. One gets through the stress, accepts the change and numbs for a while to recover.

Whatever the cause of Republican failure to ride in on a wave, it is what it is…

I do not believe that we should give the Left cause to further heap charges of “treason” and “threat to Democracy” upon us. That is what they hope for, don’t you think?


“…further heap charges of treason…”
They’re going to do it, whether we give them cause to or not, as long as they’re in power. Its the new priority of the DOJ and FBI.
If they can’t find domestic terrorists, no problem - they’ll manufacture them!


I understand that, but there still is public perception of fairness…I think.

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Laura Ingalls Wilder (February 7, 1867 - February 10, 1957)
Isabel Paterson (January 22, 1886 - January 10, 1961)
Ayn Rand (February 2, 1905 - March 6, 1982)

Nineteen years separate the births of these libertarian godmothers.


Fairness? To be found on the Left? Good grief, Jeanne, where?

No. There’s not a trace. It’s like saying there’s a program for big government, redistribution, crime tolerance, and a green new deal on the Right.

The Left claims to be for “equity”, but “equity” could only be achieved - if at all - by massive, ruthless, persistent unfairness. By confiscation of all private property. By collective immiseration.

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But perhaps you did not mean that there is “a perception of fairness” by - or on - the Left?


I would add Rose Wilder Lane to this pantheon.


I did not. A “public perception of fairness” will still move people to look for the truth and to question what is going on. I am hoping that such a thing is still real.


And Harriet Taylor (October 8, 1807 - November 3, 1858)


Rose Wilder Lane: Yes, I’m afraid I’ve confused the mother and her daughter until now. Thanks.

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And Jillian Becker

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Oh, Cogito! My inclusion by you in such company is as much undeserved as it is appreciated.

Thank you. But it is your worth that your kind words display.

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I agree! :blush: