Is Democracy a Good Thing?

To paraphrase Ben Franklin, we have a republic. If we can keep it.

Pure democracy is winner take all, once the party is in power it will do everything to stay in power as shown by the so-called socialist democracies: China, Communist Russia; Cuba and Venezuela.

With a republic we have a framework a constitution with checks and balances that limits the duties and power of the federal government, anything outside of those duties left to the states; and rights granted to we the people in the Bill of Rights, not government . Our republic is designed to keep government as close as possible to the people, through the bill of rights, power of the votes through our communities, the states, and representatives held accountable to the voters, not government or the parties as in a parliamentary system. And a system of checks and bounces to keep anyone or any group from consolidating power in the federal government: the executive branch headed by the president, who is also the commander in chief of the arm forces; Congress, with laws originated in the house of representatives and requiring passage of the senate; and the Supreme Court, to ensure rulings of federal courts comply with the provisions of the Constitution. That’s a lot of moving parts to consolidate, let alone all the federal agencies and different department heads, for anyone to forge one-party rule. California as a state is the closest, with its Democratic party super majority in its House, Senate and governorship which IMHO would not exist without the trillions from Silicon Valley funding the Democrat pie in the sky social engineering: high tech rail, infrastructure and swamp for the homeless, socialist indoctrination in public education, inefficient “clean energy” mandates and restrictions on affordable gas, oil, electric and nuclear power driving up energy costs; environmental roadblocks to affordable housing and new dams for fresh water accumulation and storage. Dividing the state between the cafe late limousine liberal rich with their access to the trillion dollar capital markets, venture capital and otherwise; and the rest of us who work for a living in small business or salaried positions, works only so long as prosperity allows. So far, “funny money” from Calfornia being the world’s fifth largest economy has so allowed. We’ll see in November if the socialist democratic party can overcome its gross incompetence and self inflicted wounds in managing the most prosperous, free and dynamic economy in history, engendering inflation, over the top energy costs, mandated identity politics and embedding tyrants and Islamo-fascists sits with the ultimate decision makers: we the voters.

The foundation of our republic is the rule of law; as long as we have the freedom of competition and access to the courts, one party cannot easily controller the myriads of avenues required for a top down socialist tyranny. Hopefully. Even in the era of big Tech, and the Brave New World secular mindset of the socialist Democratic Party.

That includes ballot harvesting. In the 2020 election The DemoRATS gave the America People its biggest sucker punch since 9/11, with unaccountable “mail in ballots” funded by Zuckerbucks, biased towards the Democratic Party and verified only by signature, dumped on unsupervised polling stations in the middle of the night by “consultants” and vote harvesters. Now that we’ve caught onto their game, mail in ballots even without voter ID requirements will be closely supervised, Democrat sewer rats will hopefully be exposed and accountable by well monitored polling stations and ballot boxes, and the Republican party will organize its own countermeasures for the 2022 election.

No more nursing homes with 100% voter participation.


Regardless, the US Constitution and its Republic IMHO is still the best form of Democracy, if democracy can be defined as the will of the individual expressed in a government enabling and protecting individual freedom and free choice.

As Dirty Harry (Clint Eastwood) put it (my paraphrase) “The system stinks; but until somebody comes up with something better, I’ll stick with it.”

Thank you Atheist Conservative for allowing this vent. This after several years’ frustration in the shallow caterwauling of the internet, belittling or ignoring common sense, natural law, tradition and western civilization for the latest “gotcha” moment or phrase. I’m still a Christian and a believer in the Bible, but that’s for another discussion.


Welcome, clockp.

And thanks for your contribution to this debate.

So you don’t think the excellent system established by the Founders is breaking down?

Are there not Ideologues exploiting the system - largely by cheating because the system can it seems be cheated - to gain power, and using that power to change the system to one-party dictatorship?

We would very much like to hear more from you.



The New Deal constructed numerous federal departments and agencies to regulate the private sector for general, nebulous ends. In effect, we received a new constitution.

By refusing to legislate our legislators are escaping the sort of accountability that is crucial to the intelligible functioning of a democratic republic. The problem is now so acute, the atrophy of legislative muscle so dramatic, that major congressional votes on budgets, healthcare, environmental, social, and family policies take place with little debate or compromise throughout the body … Policies in the form of “legislation” composed entirely by staffers, spanning hundreds and thousands of pages are announced by congressional leadership of the majority party and voted on within hours or days.

No judicial doctrine alone can revive constitutional government in America and strictly limit the power of the administrative state.


Yes, several things doomed the Republic - Roosevelts socialist New Deal, the Federal Reserve, and LBJ’s socialist Great Society, among other things. Its shocking and appalling that bills are thousands of pages long and are voted on without even being read, much less debated on - yet this is now done routinely! It’s mind boggling.


The system established by the Founders broke down many decades ago. The acts that finally broke it were the attack on Pearl Harbor and the German declaration of war. It was no longer possible to observe and interact with the world from a distance, also emergency powers were granted to the executive which have only been added to over time.
The situation now is that the Constitution is essentially meaningless. The legislative branch has abdicated its power for the appearance of grandeur. “There Shall no be Titles of Nobility”; Article 1, section 9. That has been thrown out: Every person who ever served gets to keep their title. How about we address every retired postie as “Mr./Ms Postie” for the rest of their life.
The simple fact is that the House of Representaives is far too small. When they are considering legislation they are bombarded with bribes (you really can’t call them anything else). The result is that the banking industry write banking legislation, the “healthcare” industry and big pharma write public health and drug regulation legislation. The MIC writes defense policy. Various activist groups write social policy. And on and on.
Take non-discrimination laws. If I cannot discriminate then in what sense am I free?
The 2nd Amendment, perhaps the clearest law ever written, has been eviscerated.
Jan 6th protestors languish in prison; tortured, abused, and intimidated as effectively as in any soviet gulag.
The fortunes of the American people are routinely looted to pay for “policy”. For example: The absolutely worthless country of Ukraine (about 30 million, give or take) has received approximately 1 $Trillion in aid since 1993. Where has that gone?
And the “Republican Party” does what?
Both parties have conspired to introduce a new population, of welfare dependent 3rd worlders, into the country.
Honestly; what does the future hold for the USA?
At best Brazil North.
But still, I would rather be here in Florida than anywhere else on Earth.

That’s why it’s worth debating this, the world is in flux right now and whether we like it or not our prized “democracy” is increasingly a sham controlled through the corrupt corporate media, gerry-mandering by mass immigration, and voting irregularities. When enough people start to wake up to this reality we will see support for emerging leaders who are prepared to consider fundamental changes. Those leaders are probably waiting in the wings already in fact.


You are sure of that, Chauncey? I hope you are right!


Yes, people are waking up, leaders are emerging.
The question is - is it in time, or is it too late?