The Role of the US in Russia's War on Ukraine

“Why are the Clinton-Obama-Biden Democrats trying to make the conflict in the Ukraine into a proxy war against Russia?”

The article does not answer its own question.

Is the answer: “Because Ukraine is the Biden family’s cash cow?”

Speculation is invited.


I dispute Mr. Walsh’s assertion that the war has gone badly for Russia. It probably has not gone exactly as they planned (what war ever does), but looking at the map of operations, they seem to have achieved pretty much all their objectives.
The aim of the US is pretty clear; they want to embroil Russia in a long campaign, for many years they hope, so that Russia is weakened, the Russian Federation falls apart and the territory of Russia, with all its mineral wealth, can be assett stripped by US corporations (in concert with the usual European suspects).
Biden’s corruption is just his standard MO. he wasn’t known as “Senator Mastercard” for nothing.
The real reason for the collapse of the West, (it is happening now and accelerating), is quite simple: There is a widespread lack of integrity, honesty, conscience, principle, and good character among our entire elite. In Ivy League business schools only the most base instincts of man are taught; greed is great, success is having more than the next person, loyalty, generosity, kindness, conscience are all for suckers. Of course to an extent it was ever thus, but there were men and women of character who held the standard, who worked tirelessly for justice without an eye for their personal gain.
If we don’t get that back, our society is doomed.

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I think Biden, along with all the other globalist world leaders, is not only involved in corruption in Ukraine, but is following the globalist agenda of using the war “crisis” just as they use the “climate crisis” and the “Covid crisis” - to drive our economies into ruin (while they themselves profit off of it) and herd us into compliance with global governance.