Iran Admits Its Intention to Build a Nuclear Arsenal

Three days into the Vienna negotiations with world powers, Iran is plainly not after a new or revamped nuclear accord. It has abandoned the ambiguity surrounding its nuclear program and has frankly admitted for the first time that Tehran is intent on building a nuclear bomb.
Iran’s 2022-2023 state budget provides for another two years of international sanctions, thereby taking aboard the economic consequences of weaponizing its nuclear program. Tehran is therefore not holding its breath for the prospect of sanctions relief.
Extra-fast centrifuges are being pressed into service for the rapid accumulation of sufficient 60pc pure enriched uranium to fuel a number of nuclear warheads.


I doubt if Biden, like Obama, will do one damn thing about it. Least of all not admit they LIED when they assured everyone their awesome deal with Iran, and all the pallets of cash, were not going to fund Iran building nuclear weapons!