How It Pays To Mutilate Children

“AbbVie, the pharmaceutical company that manufactures a drug that is used as a puberty blocker, has given nearly $100,000 to the Endocrine Society, which recommends puberty blockers for ‘gender dysphoric’ youth.”


They should be held responsible for the criminal exploitation of children. A horrible crime.


As Europe ratchets down quickly from trans-mania, I have a feeling that soon it will catch on here…not soon enough. But, hopefully, there will be suits by parents and victims in the near future.


It’s enough to make any sane person furious. Allowing children to make this sort of decision, or even worse their parents making it for them is just madness.

Children don’t need puberty blockers, they need either time to figure things out themselves or psychiatric help. Why are we enabling mental illness? What’s next, we play along with schizophrenics dillusions?!


Yes, it’s insanity. The government is pushing mental illness and mutilation of children.


For those in the tiny percentage of humans, who are so affected by their dysmorphia that they can find no serenity or happiness as they are, but must alter their body to fit their psyche, it is necessary for compassionate people to “enable” them to live as they need to live.

But, even trans people understand that body altering drugs and surgery is not a choice for anyone except them when they are an adult and fully aware of the consequences of their choice. Still nearly all men transitioning to women do not have the “bottom-surgery” as they refer to it.

It is upsetting that masculine lesbians were pressured and shamed by the trans lobby to transition to a male body via surgery (not bottom again) and hormones. I don’t know if feminine Gay men were pressured in the same manner. I guess the trans lobby doesn’t believe in “my body, my choice.” Even among this group, we heard “leave the children alone.”

The popular trans-life phenomenon is ridiculous, but can run its course if surgery and drugs are not involved. Already one music personality is altering former “they/them” to “she/her” which is how she started life and lived all but a year that way. She is currently feeling more feminine. Only she knows what she is really feeling.

Heck some days I feel more masculine and some days I feel very feminine. And, my young childhood was definitely more the masculine-feeling me. But…that was just the way I existed. I was me then and I am me now. I guess some could say that I am a cross-dresser, as I wear men’s clothing and boots, even some of my good pants are mens. Hmmm… It is easier for women to do than for men. My BIL looks like what he is in women’s jeans and loafers, and I have told my sister that he should wear a higher collared shirt if he doesn’t want his camisole to show. He doesn’t dress privately in heels and dresses anymore, but as he is dying from advanced COPD, it would be okay by us if he did what made him happy.

There are many considerations when we think that people should be able to live their lives in happiness under our Constitutional laws, but those laws of our land that protect children and the innocent must be kept to do just that. Parents are sometimes prosecuted for allowing their “beliefs” to interfere with their child’s health and well-being. Doctors are first encouraged to do no harm. This has gone woefully awry, but that is hopefully changing and intelligent common sense will come back to our country.

People should be made to pay for the damage done to children and adults in this country when it comes to this trans-mania time of darkness and evil.