Helping Iran Go Nuclear

The Biden administration negotiated a secret, unwritten nuclear deal with Iran last spring that reportedly will provide Tehran with $20 billion in sanctions relief and keep its nuclear program at a level capable of quickly producing weapons-grade nuclear fuel.
To circumvent congressional oversight of this dangerous deal, it was negotiated as a set of unwritten “understandings” and the Biden administration has publicly denied its existence.
To be clear: despite the new secret Biden nuclear deal which reportedly will give Iran $20 billion in sanctions relief, the IAEA has found that its stockpile of near-weapons grade uranium and other enriched uranium continues to grow.
The Biden Administration also agreed to let Iran enrich to the 60% level, a very dangerous concession that will be difficult to walk back. Uranium enriched to 60% uranium-235 is only ten days to two weeks away from weapons-grade level enrichment, 90%. With this concession, the Biden Administration has essentially conceded that Iran will soon become a nuclear weapons state.
This terrible deal can only be described as national security malpractice. It is urgent that Congress on a bipartisan basis fully investigate this agreement and do whatever it takes to reverse it.

Can you see a bipartisan Congressional investigation of the deal happening? I can’t. Will the deal be reversed? Very unlikely.

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“National security malpractice”? I’d call it treason.
Add that to all his bribe taking from China, etc - there’s never been a clearer case of it in American history! The Constitution demands impeachment for this, and justice demands a criminal conviction.
But, since we’re not in “normal times”, but rather, in Banana Republic times, it probably won’t happen.

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