Grim Realities of Despair and Death

Russia, with a birth rate of 1.5 children per woman, has invaded Ukraine, where the birth rate is 1.2 children per woman, to determine which nation with below replacement birth rates will go extinct the fastest. In the long run the only winners of the war to determine whether Ukraine will belong to the 1.2 or 1.5 people will be the Chechen and other Muslim soldiers doing the fighting.
The Chechens have a birth rate of 2.5. Their religion and mosques are more likely to inherit the territories they are fighting over than either the Russian or Ukrainian Orthodox churches.
Russia has the third highest suicide rates in the world and Ukraine has the seventh highest suicide rate for men. These are not the characteristics of people who believe in the future.
Behind the dueling campaigns of propaganda, the total saturation of lies, are these grim realities of despair and death. The spurious nationalism is a facade for the hard realities that Ukrainian and Russian boys are dying in a pointless war whose only winners will be the migrant hordes flooding out of the ‘Stans’ and out of Asian and Muslim Middle Eastern nations to replace them.
In the short term, European and Russian leaders and oligarchs expect to derive some temporary benefit from this latest episode in the death throes of our civilization.
In the long term, they are dooming us all.
Whatever the various sides claim to be fighting for, a Greater Russia, democracy, or nationalism, the only thing they’re really doing is accelerating their own defeat.
China and the Islamic Ummah need only watch and alternately cheer both sides on.
America, like Europe, Russia, and the rest of what once passed for the civilized world, have become profoundly unserious, crowded into social media echo chambers, shouting trending hashtags, and refusing to think in any terms longer than their attention deficit disorders.
There are always distractions to pass the time, to funnel away our outrage into the things that don’t matter to avoid thinking about the truly big things that do. Wars are wonderful distractions. Especially wars that don’t involve us and in which our only stake is a hashtag and a position.
But unless we start thinking seriously about the future, we won’t just lose, we will cease to exist.


That’s a depressing prospect.
The West is going to have to make a big “comeback”, and start re-producing itself again, to counter this tide.
If we can defeat the Left and make serious reforms under Trump and similar leaders in the future, we may have a chance.